The Movie Review and Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by [N], Sep 17, 2007.

  1. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I was spoiled in terms of the outcome of the short episode of The Appretice: Edition House M.D. -tongue2

    You really want to know who got hired? -devil

    I found # 10 (dark haired girl without accent) and # 13 (blonde backstabber) are fun to see. I enjoyed the episode a lot... And I like the 6/9 guy's shamelessness too, very entertaining -lol
  2. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    Yea when he flipped the numbers around, i lol-ed. the blond backstabber never gives up "backstabbing" as far as i know lol...
  3. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    number 10 is a hottie lol

    man, if only one person could come back from his old team id want foreman, the guy is super cool
  4. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    That's her character trait... She lives to backstab -tongue2

    It can be difficult to pick one from the ducklings... But I personally would prefer Cameron, because there will be so much drama :p Chase's good for intubating and any procedure ICU. Foreman... I liked how he always tries to disprove House.

    Cuddy summed it up pretty well in the last episode:

  5. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Fantastic 4, 1/5

    I don't even know why I bother to see this film. This film can compete with Electra and Daredevil as the worst Marvel adaptation (I've seen)... <_< And there isn't even any actual ACTION SEQUENCES. Unless you are an avid fan of the cast (Jessica Alba, Ioan Gruffudd, Chris Evans etc), avoid this film at all cost. I am VERY tempted to give this film a 0 rating, but I need to write an essay to justify it (= further waste of my time), so I'll leave it at 1. -tongue2

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 3.5/5

    My opinion of this film hover around a 3.5 and a 4. If I didn't see Stranger than Fiction or Being John Malkovich lately, it could easily be a 4. I liked the parallel/duality of the characters (the Clementine in Joel's head, is she actually THE Clementine with all the thoughts and memories intact? Or just a manifestation of Joel?) Mark Ruffalo in geek glasses with Kirsten Dunst? Hilarious. And the whole Lacuna business is simply messed up that I almost feel bad for people who ACTUALLY undergone the "operation".

    Music played a huge part in the magic of this film, Jon Brion created, as he did with Punch Drunk Love, strangely sentimental score to make this film extra-moving. The cinematography is schizophrenic and fragmented but you can tell it was intentional. And Jim Carrey's desperation is priceless.

    I try not to spoil the film, it's definitely worth watching if you are into light dramas. Although I am not at all positive if it is a ROMANTIC drama... -sweat
  6. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^ yes both fantastic four were bad but daredevil was better than fantastic four for sure, can't say the same about elektra though. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a easy 4.5/5 for me that was a good ass film. Jim Carrey was seriously good in that movie, never imagine he could do that before this movie (have the same effect on my perspective of a comedic actor as will farell's take in stranger than fiction and also Eddie Murphy in Dreamgirls".
  7. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I try not to fangirl too much over Eternal Sunshine on the Spotless Mind, since it's the type of film that I adore unconditionally (unless it is inherently broken -tongue2)

    Both F4 were TERRIBLE, a monumental waste of time, if you ask me. But I suspect if I ever DARE to give a 0 to a film with Jessica Alba in it, rabid fans will hunt me down and burn me at stake -tongue2 And methink that 0/5 is reserved for the likes of Uwe Boll :D

    Back to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, I absolutely love Jim Carrey AND Kate Winslet and, near the end, almost liked Kirsten Dunst's Mary and Mark Ruffalo's Stan, almost. I liked how Jim Carrey control his expressions, since I hated his over-the-top facial expressions when he did comedies. I liked this film better than Stranger than Fiction, although I found it not as creative as Stranger than Fiction in terms of format.

    I loved how creepy it is inside someone's head, even your own. -devil
  8. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous


    Believe it or not. I watched this movie. First off I never really liked Elektra and I have no idea why she got a movie at all. The movie itself sucked, big time. The acting was lackluster and so were the plot and character arcs. I always had a feeling like the film was trying to come across as a "smart" movie, but it failed in every attempt. The only thing that could've possibly saved this film were the action scenes. Unfortunately they did not, unless of course you enjoy your action sequences with a pillow and blanket. Then it can be somewhat enjoyable, especially if you're tired from your daily routine and require a little nap. Otherwise the action scenes, along with the rest of the movie were horrible. Avoid this film.
  9. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I watched Electra too, in a cinema no less... -mellow I think I liked around 2 minutes out of the ENTIRE flick. They thought Jennifer Garner's going to be profitable after her Alias fame. Which ended up in flames.
  10. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    If there was a negative rating system i'll give it to Uwe Boll, lol now i should rate movies that deserve less than 0.1 as "Uwe Boll" -tongue2 lmao... Trivia: what's "Uwe Boll/5" guys should know haha...

    I only paid attention to the girl/girl kiss scene haha...that movie is too forgettable to remember anything else
  11. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I don't remember THAT... But I think Electra's outfit on Jennifer Garner is memorable as to I want to strangle the costume designer with my bare hands... So UGLY >.<
  12. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]



    The Kiss of Death haha, but that evil woman's hot...

    And yea jennifer garner looked weird in that red costume...
  13. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ OMG, it was sheer lameness with the falling leaves and all... Their lashes and lip colour are overdone... EWWWW.

    And Kiss of Death? More like Nails of death? Double ew for the colour >.<

    But I liked the girl's hair :p
  14. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^lol you should hunt down that costume designer/stylist haha...
  15. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I am sure he/she will resurface at another comic book adaptation :p

    I mean, most, if not all, superheros got ridiculous outfits, but her's is one of the WORST I've seen, those retarded-looking team uniform from X-Men (fabric = PVC) and F4 (fabric similar to wet suit) don't even come CLOSE...
  16. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    how bout this one haha: [​IMG]

    mr. freeze..... oh yea batman & robin my review= 2/5 ( i enjoyed it as a kid and won't watch it again to rejudge it haha-tongue2 )
  17. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Let's discuss "Gone Baby Gone" a movie directed by Ben Affleck and starring his Brother Casey. Did anyone expect this movie to get all these good reviews?
  18. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^shit didn't know that was directed by ben affleck lol but it already looks promising cause of ed harris and morgan freeman and casey affleck is better than his brother at acting and Michelle Monaghan was good in North Country and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (she was ok in this).
  19. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    30 Days of Night, 3.5/5

    Surprise surprise. I was expecting some REALLY terribly done vampire gore. A vampire flick a la 28 weeks later style (or even Underworld 2?) But was I pleasantly surprised.

    I loved the storyline. Frankly, it was the perfect plot that nobody has yet thought of. And that's the problem with these vampire flicks, they often have a decent plot which is utterly ruined by the cliche execution and melodrama.

    30 days of night just failed to do EXACTLY that. Failing to fall into the cliches minefield, although I must say it didn't surface unscratched (a few minor cliche here and there), but the mood was delicious. And for once, the potential victims (aka meat) did adopt a true survivalist instinct: for example, instead of standing around waiting to be devoured by vampires, they leave behind whoever is wounded or caught up by vampires. And most of them didn't struggle THAT much to be annoyingly lame when they have to kill the soon-to-be-vampires. I absolutely heart this film for sparing me the melodrama/lecture about how "they were once like us"... even the woman Stella, whom I often expect to be a bunch of lameness wrapped around liability, actually proved to be useful, an asset instead of a liability.

    The ending was quite the WTF to me, I was expecting an open ending for the possibility of a convenient 2nd installment, but judging from the ending, it seems like an one-shot to me... At least the part where they deviate from the original graphic novel was quite the change...

    I was glad that they picked Josh Hartnett to be the lead. Since he is often half stoic, he didn't fall prey to overdoing the melodrama. The only thing that is the ABSOLUTE worse to a horror/genre flick is a character who is uncharacteristically sentimental, I mean, how can you remain rationally sentimental and optimistic about human/supernatural forces when your life is at stake?

    All in all, definitely recommended for anyone who love the horror/mood thing. If you are in for the gore, you are bound to be disappointed as most of the graphic part are often implied instead of visually thrown at you. Walk into cinema 2 for SAW IV instead :p
  20. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Let's revive this thread.

    Theme: Movies that caused a part of me to die

    These reviews might sound like rants... But w/e

    Epic Movie

    How is it possible that people enjoy crap like this? A poorly made parody that doesn't seem to know the meaning of comedy. Horrible in every aspect. Acting, script, directing, EVERYTHING! I still can't imagine how someone could come up with such a atrocity. Anyone looking for a good example in the devolution of the human race can watch this sorry excuse for a film, or w/e it is. I still have no idea why I even watched this piece of crap.


    Can someone please tell me what happened in this film? It felt like the writers just wrote the script as they went. Lacked any real plot direction, and the acting didn't help either. Confusing plotline (if there was one) mixed together with horrible film making.

    The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

    One of the movies I just wanted to be amazing, but came out ultimately disappointing. The film had so much potential, but failed to deliver what everyone expected. The mistakes? A boring and poorly written script, and characters you really didn't care about throughout the whole film. I hoped that they really do make a remake of this film and do it right. Until then... A part of me will be dead :(

    Ghost Rider

    One of, if not the worst comic book adaption to date. Horrible acting, horrible script, horrible director, horrible EVERYTHING. It's movies like these that give a bad rep to comic books. Short review, but straight to the point :\.