im sorry but....hes not really my type... he seems a bit emo to me... and i dont dig guys with hair like that anyway... btw he looks like a girl =/ I DO like anchuchu's guys though....not bad at alll
-blush2 ANCHUCHUUUUU <3 im so lovin u....!! we have the same tasteeee wheres that last guy from,...i remember seein him in some drama..but cant remember which one anymore... Loreen66 -shock the guys u digg are a lil bit scary to me :( i dont like guys who wear make up
HAHAHAHAH...Kinda kawaii but not hot enough mr. fearless!! >=Pp take your shirt off.. who knows mayb that will makes things better! MWHAHAHHA -devil (by the way: do i see a boogie?) HAhaha.. thnxthnx ^^~ Kingone (and Mike He) played a part in: Devil Besides You and WhyWhyLove! There are soooooooo hot!!!!
Either way, I'd still hit it XD -ohmy you really think so. I dunno, I have this thingy for guys with makeups -lol Anyway more picsy ^_^ Aoi
hahaha...really now? hmmm...nah not my cup of tea... and man its SO obvious they pluck their eyebrows lol ur guys look a bit emo& girly and look like they wanna kill u instead of love u...