omg!! somone kick AbZoNy out fo this forum!! he's spamming everywhere!!!
i was updating mine thread just saw this person spam in download section
yes thank you all, ill put them on my watch list so if ever notice ur posts delete its a warning depending how hard u are
supremeHK --> not sure yet but he seems to need some supervision at the mo -detect
hc1986 is bringing back some really ancient thread... plus he/she doesn't even try to sound constructive =_=b
@fearless: Well, it has nothing to do with the number in the username... naruto1314 got more than 1k posts, THF20 is a mod, AC0110 has more than 1k and hkm91450 is almost 1k... Has nothing to do with the number, though it may have something to do with age... if the number represent his/her year of birth
come one... we need to put a ban on all things hiake n zombie related!! she is spammin' outta line...