naw...his signal is all up in the air...mines..i give u a card...n when u see a spammer n ur on pa...flash the card over ur screen from left to rings to my suit..ya heard...
Knoc, what say you if u give us VIP status with a SPAMMER ALERT button function? Only to Hiake n I... we'll be your spam detectors on 24 hours alert.
Wooo, angels (I somehow have a personal thing against that word) but okay... We'll just pretend he can... since he asks so nicely right Knoc
neoanderson2002 is a spammer: Puts in meaningless messages
i found me a spammer !! efax22 he just leaves post of "....................." that it
I was about to report.... Hmm this guy's spamming everywhere .. the invasion of DOTS!!! and other threads. Too lazy to search. Knoc do ur thang!! Search and destroy.