gulumulu ! He's even lazier, he just post 'post reply' X ( Edit: nevermind, think one of the mods already spotted this spammer.
Pineriver creating "testing" threads well made 2 so korean and viet chat sections
SMiiLEEE Only 1 post so far in the "Type in Chinese section"... But spam without question...
SUPERMAN9999 Copying other member's replies and post and his/her own: And he/she even stole my sig line and post it to a totally unrelated thread! (see my sig)
-bigclap yay! lol. i was suspicious of this one too, esp with that answer in the "what do you do if PA is down?" thread. we should name hiake official police(wo)man. i have a question: what if you suspect someone but unsure if what they are doing is in fact illegal or not? keep it to myself? report anyways or what?
i really didnt actually notice it as i tend to notice spammers with they moved to actually copying and pasting others badd....
I would report and be frank about "I am not sure if it's spam/one-liners but keep a tab on this user may prove useful" or something like that...
Thank God you finally decided to delete all his posts... I may just be bored and evil enough to quote and comment on all his posts with the original poster's post... Compare and contrast -devil