Mocha86 - he/she just joined on the 27th. has 14 posts most of which are single words and stuff. perhaps they dont know the rules
-spam this laiphuoc888 is posting 'thankyou very much' in all his posts definitely spamming!!! ban him/her -dead
This davingu is spamming. Mainly in the games forum I think. He's also digging up a string of old threads without anything important to add. Delete posts or ban plz. Most of his spam can be found here: First post is nderstandable. Double posting the same reply just 34 minutes after you posted the first one: "I don't think so, Tim". - Al Borland from Home Improvement. Double posted there. And if you check his 2nd post... I don't know what he's even trying to say.... Yi already got drafted.... So ya... Obviously spam. well cozysan is now on 23 posts of all this 'thanx for sharing' shite ban this mofo
indeed, ppl who constantly spam are just annoying and should be banned. though i guess banning straight away may be a bit crude. perhaps a warning sent to them first would be better to allow them to change their ways. c_mon14 posted 6 times in a row for someone to reupload the links... its kinda gettin annoying...
puahahahaha...this is just too damn funny nas...u put a lotta effort into this didnt u!? u all buncha manbitches for snitching on ROCKXD OOPS?
^u bitch!!!!-tongue2 bat po macCCC!!!!! and actually not's not really hard to find his spam...haha