^^ oooo i ci c i didnt know how bout a news section for people who can read other language newspapers... like celebrity news or something.
i just saw a thread on homework help, and i thought it'd be cool to have a section on it where ppl can post just that instead. idk if it'd be used much though..
with the types of pple we got in here.. it's like 15 spams per 1 answer.. so yea jus gotta make due with whats out there.. I'd like for the youtube button to be fixed.. cuz it's not workin for me... anyone else??
we are going to try for google adsense to generate revenue to pay for a faster server viewable only for guests whom are not registered. We're currently waiting for approval but if that doesnt work out we'll try for yahoo.
^ so the unregistered guests get a fast server, what about us ?! or since they get offloaded to another server, we get good speeds back -noclue
that google ad feature is nice man...u can get revenues to pretty much cover the monthly server bill..right on..
you got it wrong my friend the ads will be only shown to guests so it wouldn't matter if you're always logged in
I'm not sure if its the new features or what.. but PA seems to be crashin' my firefox a lot lately...
its always been slow at odd times for me...it started when they migrated to the new server....as for fox n it closing...no issues here....
if youtube button doesnt work for you the other way to do it to type it in manually. The code is [ youtube]Uk9GMdob_JY [/youtube] it has to be the utube link code only and nothing else see above for example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uk9GMdob_JY the code that ends after the "=" [youtube]Uk9GMdob_JY[/youtube]
how bout a humour section?` purely jokes or funni pics...or is that just included in the offtopic section?`` love` mon
we'd like to get a feedback on how u guys feel about the new google ads we've just implanted. does it bother you? how do u feel about the placements, akward? you like? we're going to use the money we make to purchase rolexs for ourselves and live the lavish lives you'll never have! bwwaha bwahwhaa!. -=) anyways on a serious note , all profits we make will be saved towards paying for the forum / radio or saving up for a faster one! so sit back we wont use it to buy marijuana although we'll try really hard to resist -tongue2 . -rockon
Not bad. The important parts to the layout hasn't been interrupted. So if that's all the Ads, I think it's fine. Great job. Do you guys get paid for showing the ad?or people clicking the ad?