big update means PA will be down for a period time ...that also means alot of us would be homeless :( but it's for the better... think of PA moving into a Mansion.
yea cuz one thing is for sure... Knoc homeless either way... guess we can sip that dom perignon when we move to the mansion!! by then we should re-check PA's net worth..
Big update aint gonna happen yet dunno why google aint send the checks yet and if they do its gonna be the end of the month april...
lol you're tripping.. Me n Knoc get seniority first sucka... -cool2 but seriously.. we should do some kinda Spring cleaning.. throw all the pics in the pic thread if need be... all the other crap somewhere else.. n delete some useless threads... we gotta keep it fresh before we so... that way we don't bring all the old "crap" to the new "Mansion"... House.. Apartment.. ahhaha whatever the case may be wit the new server.. -lol
Wonder if this suggestion box really works.. Anyway, I will like to suggest that perhaps the Search function should include an option to limit the search, for example to search only in particular sections. This will make the Search much more efficient and hence more ppl might use them. This might also help users to search the particular section for related threads and avoid double posting in the same section. A good search engine will be that of sure about the technical requirements though. Just a suggestion
i dunno if this is possible to do, but it would be nice if the tracks playing on the PA radio on the homepage were displayed somewhere as they play
ok u click forum then section...the on top right of the sectin u'll see search this forum..u click that and the search will limit to the section
theres a huge need for a kickbot in here.. to kick homo people like k.c... LOL just kidding hahaha but in all seriousness, to kick people who spam... altho its much work a first, it will be much easier for the mods in the long run..
Thanks for pointing that out. I tried that before posting though. It is exactly the same search tool and doesn't limit its search within the section. Did you try it out before? Edit: Some new users have reflected difficulty in navigation, which I think is rather valid. I also have another suggestion, and that is to consolidate all instructions into a comprehensive, easy-to-find and stand-alone faq. I believe this will provide a better user experience for new users especially. Right now the instructions are all over the place and not exactly clear. This makes the process of finding help rather inefficient. No offense though. I certainly understand and appreciate the effort made by the mods. Just trying to help improve PA I suggest that the faq be stand alone and experienced users can contribute to creating it so that the mods will not have to do all the work. I think the faq should be a proper standalone webpage rather than the current sticky post for obvious reasons. Also, this faq should be together with the top bar where the home, forum and rest are. Right now it is just another section. I had problems identifing that as the faq section because it just blends in with the rest. The faq forum section can stay so that whenever users can't find the solution in the faq, they can post it there. I think it is good because others can help answer the qns too.. Just my opinions. Feel free to correct me