i have an idea........................... with Christmas coming up i was thinking we could have a secret santa thing/contest thingy... everyone signs up for it and then the organizer would mix the names up (people who signed up) and everyone who signed up for it would receive a PM as to who they had to make their present for and then the organizer would receive the presents from all the participants and post them all up on Christmas day or something....that way we all get presents and the presents would made electronically right..and could be a picture to singing a song for someone or something..i dunno... so what do you reckon?? -bigsmile
awww...bb....thats so sweeet...hahaha...i luv this idea....<3 its so xmas-ish hehehe i reckon that IF anyone wants to organize it he/she should do it within short term because xmas is gonna be in 17 days and if u really wanna do somethin nice u gotta be creative and think for a while before u make ur "gift once again...love this idea -inlove
hmm....yau hai bor....hmm....well lets see what the mods think to it....i guess i dont really mind organizing it providing we have quite a few people to join in and everyone makes the presents and stuff on time sidenote....how come boii...is quoting me in his sig.....it makes me look stoopid...>.<
that would be cool, but i dont wanna give out my address incase someone sends me a package of anthrax or something >_< like *cough* knoc. of course if dann were to send me his awesome transformers chess set it would all balance out
fearless...no addy's or anything silly...all present shall be posted all on PA..hence electronically so can be picture on paint...to like a powerpoint presentation or something hmm..so far angieee and fearless wanna do it.....-bigsmile
oh shit..i think u do make a good point there... but yeah its xmas time....so lets all be nice to eachother i like bb's idea....-clapclap i reckon mods should participate too! and hey...we could make someting for eachother what we think it suits the person