uh i suggest that v.i.p. members who achieved both requirements....3000 post and 1000 thanks, have the option to request a name color change....it would encourage people to be more active in both parts of the forums and hopefully it would expand the "benefits" of the V.I.P. status... and it wouldn't be controversial because whoever got it actually worked for it and deserved it...
lol No .... angie,, Skype is for Skype WHores, i wanna be a Pa WHore haha. anyway u fink the chatbox can be more 'technologyized, its pretty basic atm.
^its basic and yet pa crashes alot more than in the past....if it's more what you said..."technologyized"...pa would probably lag more and crash more...i'll rather keep it the way it is lol...
@nas...or or vip members with 5k+ post count... @phil...ehm.... i dunno if its a good idea... eventho i enjoy the shout quite a lot.....i just dont think its good for the forum...... i mean...has anybody noticed the forum is so quiet lately....=(...its like dying a slow death
Aight the time has come... PA SUMMER BANNER CONTEST!! lets do something exciting for PA again for the summer.. for prize.. 1000 posts added to your account.. -lol.. I dunno.. something..
the forum is kind of dying in a way but im trying to stop this from happening, its just none of u are posting. i thought vips should be setting an example. and 5k is far too much and will just encourage spam more than anything. also, i like ur idea ecko.
nah. actually I think it's still growing.. at a slow rate wouldn't be considered a PA post deficit.. -lol I dunno.. it's not really pple who stopped posting.. for me its more of the threads are kinda... eh.. =/ bbes let's ride the fire steeds to the depths of hades and pull PA from the grips of Morpheus and Revive the Glory of Olympus!! I mean PA...
@bbes lol this is where you're contradicting yourself....wouldn't the prize encourage even less posting now cause it's an easy way to v.i.p. status hahaha....but i think it's not the v.i.p.s faults i mean we already got our statuses and it really falls on the ones who still want that v.i.p. status to post more and actually make good posts and not spam....
i liked his idea of the competition rather than the prize. i think everybody else would think that a money alternative would be a better prize anyway.
i agree haha too bad i would never win it... also the last banner contest took like half a year haha.....when the contest starts wonder how long its gonna take to finally get a new banner decided and up...
I WANT COLOR CHANGE!!!!!!!! GIMME GIMME hahahah Yea, its less posting lately cuz nothing really interesting going on. Besides, im turning into an uploader more than a poster these days...