^ err.. it's cuz it's a "quick reply"... anyways, i move that we have a PA hall of fail area, for fail posts and threads that admins will probably delete.
how about a *top contributor* indicator underneath user names for people who either contribute alot of downloadable content, or keep the rest of the forum filled with good news stories and solid threads?
^ do you really post that fast...??..its only 1min........ i remember it used to be even longerrr....and time when they didnt even have the timer thingy at all...i think....-tongue2.. ps. congrats~~~~~!
you guys aint got macro (got a feeling you dont know what macro is, not the type your thinking -sweat) ty bb
BB is right, 'no' would have been shorter Multi word I'm terribly sorry but we cannot accommodate that request. One word Negative.
^ shorter....just a icon..?.." "...does it matter...??.... im a report you for spamming sooon...hahhaahahhaha...j/k