^^^ spam spam spam! as far as im aware - no difference, just the colours... would it be too difficult to import new forum skins?
noes not spam, you dont get an increase in post count here anyway, im sure mj knew then.. unless she was spamming!!! i think it would be, im only suggesting new vip colours to complement the current background better. changing the whole design is a but much though i think
VIP members have the remove all of our own messages from the chatbox, so we don't have to delete our own ones one by one...
^ I disargee with that idea, if you want to be a spy, you can't let the other people find out that you're spying on them. Therefore, that's no for me if there's a vote.
K. Let's vote. lol, congrats on making it known that you're a stalker. Anyway, there's always invisible mode.