Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by shinobi, Mar 8, 2006.

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  1. ^ you can't just program shit like that.. it all depends on what is avaitable through bulletin... if bulletin doesn't offer it, tough luck
  2. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    Okay then Dan - since your like a pro at programming - what other way to solve this situtation then?!
    'Cos at the moment - it's useless!

    hmm... BUT why do these rules exist then? If the format is incorrect?
    Threads That Don't Follow The Rules In This Section Will Be Closed/Deleted Without Warning !!

    *Requesting Rules!* READ BEFORE YOU REQUEST !!!!!
    Most of the threads ARE incorrect and yet still not deleted!

    I think for the spammers, short answers, not following the rules - those memebers will get 1 warning, if continues - gets another warning and if that member had THREE warning then that memeber is banned!!
  3. ^ lol I've administrated forums before, and sometimes, you're pretty much stuck with what's available. Sorry but sometimes you just can't wave a magic wand and make things happen, and are stuck with what's given. Best way is to work around it and deal with it.
  4. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    Other than you have to reply to see the download link, what other option is there?
  5. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆



  6. ^ sounds like something bb would fake :shifty:
  7. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    I never use the word FEM twice in one sentence. Nice try.

    You'd be surprised how many members are tagged and threads dusted daily with 88K members in this forum. What you see is but a small part of what is dusted. This place would be a lot hectic without the work done in the background
    Keep in mind as well, we are't tyrannical around here-its the major attraction of PA and what keeps our community going.
    Listen, I hear you on the fact that RULES are there to be followed. Trust me, I'm the gate keeper and the executioner here and deal with rule enforcement regularly on PA.
    This is good that you raised your points, as things can always be improved and you've got some solid ideas as other members see this too. Hold onto those and we can keep this discussion going and see what we can come up with.

  8. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ but but you did...!!! were prolly high that time...-whistle....

    boo...PA's gonna get all strict nows...??...>.<
  9. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    We've been around for 5 years plus-when have we ever been tyrannical around here?
    Never have been, never will be.

  10. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    Me and knoc are dusting the download requests section, well it's mainly us since I haven't seen any threads deleted by the other mods :p

    Everytime I login I always have the habit of going into the request section so it should be pretty ok although like knoc said it doesn't follow it exactly. I'm personlly being lenient like as long as it is in the [] I allow otherwise there will be alot of work and don't want to be too strict do I? Plus as you can see even with the "Threads That Don't Follow The Rules In This Section Will Be Closed/Deleted Without Warning !!" doesn't help at all =__= . Back during the start of PA we didn't have a request section and so I think one of the mods moved quite alot of requesting threads from various sections of the sub-forums in the DL section so FYI, there is alot of old old old threads that doesn't follow the rules since it wasn't in place at the time.

    The Hide function is pretty useless in the DL section at the moment since it only can be accessed by approved members (Are we still approving them? lol), unless of course you want to add a post count, show links to only certain usergroups (e.g. VIPS, mods, etc) or show content to registered users outside the DL section.

    There is more that I wanted to say but I can't arsed to type anymore =p bed!
  11. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Yes. I think Ang is doing the download approvals
  12. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^dude imma go espresso and say the chick in your avy has a fucking ugly nose.

    liaR:slap: with a capital R.
  13. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    ^ bitch dont diss her .. i <3 her !!!! .... well who knows about your avvy shes covering hers .. maybe she has a pig nose ehhhhhh
  14. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    I think it does help, if the mods actaully DOES warn these members or loose their download privilege who doesn't follow the rules. That way that member will then follow the rules then.
    I still see memebers doing this - again, can these members still see the dowload section or not?
    Yes, I have noticed that there are 165 pages in the request section. When doing the update next, maybe keep the requests from this year, 2010 and 2009? And delete the rest of the pages? I doubt those who requested are still wanting and I doubt anyone will go back those pages to see if they have got those requests.
    Now you said this, what exactly does the screening process do? Those whose not apporved will not see the download section anyways. So if hide the links or not - doesn't matter I guess. Adding a post count it useless too, those memebers who wants to see that link will just go and spam! Where really the mod should ban/warn or loose download privilege.

    Examples: in the movies dscussion thread, lots of memeber randomly thanking and posting 'thanks' where those posts are still there AND also that memeber is still a member on here. Also this thread members are asking for ddl and to be uploaded on a specific uplpading site and have a look at their stats - not thanked any posts nor posted anything.

    I think the tags aren't need? As it's already in section, where if its chinese films - they would be posted in the chinese movies section etc.

    I don't want the forum to be strict but it would be alot neater and more organized! As some memebers like to read what other memeber wrote, instead of reading posts to posts which are not "truthfull" answers or just "spam", Them posts needs to be deleted!!

    And simple those who don't read simply just gets a warning, if continues - loose that memeber download privilege. If then STILL continues - ban that memeber!
  15. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    As long as I find her alright, it's gooood.

    Thank you for the backup. LOL :yes:
  16. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    hahhaha dang ulti standing up for ugly nose -bigclap but :slap: watch that potty mouth kid! <_<
  17. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    ^ Ulti got you there though :p
  18. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    ^^ Sorry, but can you two please stop spamming!! :p Everytime I see a last post made by a memeber - I'm expecting to reed suggestions / feedback about the forum. >.< Sorry. But it just annoys me, and there IS a chatbox there for you two to have convo! So... delete your posts I say... :)


    Isn't it out yet? If it is - you should really consider implementing these suggestions posted by all PA memebers who have posted these useful comments.

    Yes, like I said on my previous posts about the current series... No topics made for them. And when they are made - the series is probably finishing or finished.
    As for the sub forum for english series - I was going to bring this up. Yes, they have been posting in the english movie section - since there isn't a sub topic for series.

    Think you mentioned this few days ago when I mentioned merging all films together. I also think those screen/cam and any other crap quality should be deleted, 'cos i really doubt member would want to download those shitty qualities when a dvdrip is posted they can just download off there then.
    You also said it's a good idea - has this been implemented then? 'Cos I think one of the memeber suggesting use our posts count for points or something like that?
    Looks like I made this suggestion a while back and raised this suggestion again a few days ago [read previous pages] and yet still not done.
    I also mentioned this a few days ago.. it is annoying! Not "truthfull" answer, just simply spamming!
    Any suggestions about these then?

    So all these suggestions have been arised a while back and yet being suggested again recently. Read back prevous pages too. So maybe do something about these in the next update?!
  19. ^ I know you mean well Susie, but to reiterate knoc's point, I'm sorry to say, but you must understand that the mods and admins are doing the best they can to work with this problem. They are doing this out of their own time, and you can't really expect them to constantly police the forum 24/7. There are things that us VIPs don't even see. Mods are constantly going around and cleaning up stuff, so what we see and consider spam is but a small fraction of infractions being made. Cut them some slack you know what I mean?

    Furthermore, policing the forum, as knoc pointed out, is not what makes PA. PA is known for its chill, welcoming attitude. If we go around policing and forcing people to do stuff, we'll lose more and more members.

    As the population grows, this is expected. I find that the mods and admins are doing a great job, which is why I've been around almost since the forum opened.

    IMO, offtopics like Nas', ulti, and Chinen's above us are a prime example of why I enjoy PA. If you tell them to stop posting and delete their posts, you're restricting their freedom to participate in the forum. You're basically telling them to get out. In my opinion, as long as offtopic messages do not overwhelmingly negate the purpose of the thread, as in 70% of the thread is offtopic, I believe it's fine for them to post as they have. This chill and welcoming characteristics as I've mention, makes the users feel at home.

    There are other asian forums out there (I will not name them), who follow a by-the-rules concept, in which they restrict the user in a tyrannical manner, I felt absolutely unwelcome in those forums. My non-spam posts, as they happened to be irrelevant to the main topic of the thread, were thrown in a section of their forums called "trash". If your essay-length posts were thrown into a trash bin, how does that make you feel?

    So basically, what I like about PA is the mods and admins' ability to be lenient, allowing for freedom of post (granting it doesn't hijack the thread in question, or one-liner spam). I believe this is what makes PA, and why some of us have been around since its launch.

    Great work mods and admins, I appreciate your efforts and how you've made PA what it is (Y)
  20. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    The man summed up one of my points. Right on.
    A balancing act keep things running in order and as well, maintain that relaxed attitude which is the core of PA.

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