True. I did have 2 320mb cards in SLI but decided to go back to a single card. The person below me never leaves home without a piece of twine securely fastened to their right nipple.
so true!! i love dogs esp huskys... cats are evil even though im forcing myself to bond with catws coz my bf loves cats but not dogs (only lieks the staffys lol) the person below spends too much time on gaming than their family
False. I do spend more time on the computer than with my family though @_@ darn finals... @MissCheeks - Hehehe those two are my favorite ones! Especially the spank it one haha. person below me has used an iclicker in class before. iclicker is this
False. What does it do? The person below me likes to fart into glass jars and quickly seal it for later use.
TRUE! put it in the fridge and let some unsuspecting dumbass go through it Person below me has experienced a well timed dutch oven!
false i dont evenknow what a dutch oven is! the person below has some sort of sex toy that their family doesn't know about in the house
^ False. Kontra: It's for class when the prof asks everyone a question, be it quiz or personal opinion, and you just answer it with that iclicker. person below me falls up the stairs frequently.
False. And I'd like to keep it that way. @Person: Thanks. The person below me collects the labels from women's underwear.
nope i dont as a matter of fact lol ^^ true.. in a lot of debt with credit other than debt with the government lol need to pay back somehow xD the person below me hugs a teddy from they were a baby to bed