No, seriously doubt that would work. Not played with playlists for a longtime so someone correct me if I am wrong but just create a .pls file with Notepad and inside put: [Playlist] File1=http://IPOFTVPAD:XXX1 Title1=PortXXX1 Length1=-1 File2=http://IPOFTVPAD:XXX2 Title2=PortXXX2 Length1=-1 File3=http://IPOFTVPAD:XXX3 Title3=PortXXX3 Length1=-1 etc.... Numberofentries=HOWEVERMANYPORTSYOUPUTIN Version=2 save it as TVPAD.pls But like I said before I don't know how xbmc reacts to an invalid entry. Will it skip to the next port as you would assume or stop the playlist entirely. It will be something I will need to try out later.
Lol, not me. The wife is glued to the TV, I'm usually glued to my PC I just tried with a pls playlist on my XBOX1 with XBMC and I had no joy. Oh well, I'll play with this some other time.
Just created a playlist and it works fine in xbmc on the iPad. It does in fact ignores all the invalid entries and plays the TVPad stream almost instantly. Not sure if the Xbox version is different, both my Xbox1's are stored away so cannot test it. After choosing the pls file I get this screen: Don't click on the play button at the top, but click on the first Port. And it'll immediately play the stream. As you can see in this case it was Port06 *EDIT* Been playing with it more and found that if you put File1=http://<TVPADIP>:<PORT1> and it turns out to be PORT1, it fails to play so start with Port0 ie: http://...:XXX0. No idea why that is though.
Nice! For me it didn't do a thing. It opened the pls playlist and showed me all the URLs like yours, but when I click on one it does nothing. After a while I get the error message saying that it failed in all attempts or something like that. I'll test this again tomorrow and see. In the meantime I have made some tests with the TVB VOD app and it does open a listening port (+3000 higher than for the other apps), but the streaming didn't go that well. First of all you need the complete URL with a <random_string>.ts file name at the end. Also you cannot play it simultaneously on both TV and another media player, because the MPlayer on TVPad just hangs. So I killed the MPlayer on the TVPad and I was able to stream from VLC. While the audio was without problems, the video only played like 10 frames and froze. So this was not a great success
Great, thanks for looking into the VOD. I didn't think it would work as it isn't a sopcast livefeed but interesting to hear what you have found. As for the other live streaming channels, I have tested BETV, 516..., HiTV, and Niji and they all start with the same xxx1 port as the TVB app and +1 each channel change as well. So my iPad .pls works the same for them too.
I forgot to say the .pls file works for VLC on the PC too. Just open it instead of entering the iport manually. However, unlike xbmc, it doesn't like the invalid entries and pops up with an error message which you need to supress and takes a lot longer to reach the correct port.
Tested all the Korean apps. All the korean VOD apps works fine on the chinese tvpad. Howevere all the streaming apps give you a warning message saying "the app is not compatible with this tvpad version" I assume if you have a Korean tvpad the VOD apps for the chinese version will also work on your device.
Just had a quick look and the bitrate does look quite low. I didn't watch it much before so I can't make a good comparision but from what I recall it does look more pixellated now. I know TVPad are updating the VOD app so it could be a temporary thing. Apparently they are upgrading the servers, increasing the bandwidth and greatly increasing the content. They may just be reducing the bitrate in order to reduce the bandwidth while they are performing the upgrades because it did get slow during the past few days.
@jason13863, where can I find the Korean apps ? And yeah, the quality of the new TVB VOD app seems to be a bit less, but on the other hand the streams do start nearly instantaneously.
You can find all the Korean apps here: The streaming apps don't work on the Chinese Tvpad as mentioned earlier by someone else.
In the process of writing a shell script for the tvpad. the aim of the script is to set a countdown timer and once the time is completed it will run an app, this will open the stream port and because the port always starts from xxx1 we can then somehow on the computer set a timer to start VLC at that time to stream at that port to achieve recording of TV shows with a set starting time. I will keep you guys updated on the progress Edit 1: Done: -already know how to record the stream with VLC -shell script was tested to perform simple task such as "count down 5sec then reboot tvpad" (worked) -make shell script to perform more difficult task such as running an app To do: -find a way to start VLC at a set time and start streaming on computer -add timer to turn off tvpad Edit 2: Having some problem executing the apps from the console, keep giving me this error message: "QFontDatabase: Cannot find font directory /opt/telechips/qt//lib/fonts - is Qt installed correctly?". Btw the command I used to execute it is exactly the same as if you use a remote control, but I’m not sure why you don't get this error if you use the remote control to open it. (This is now fixed thanks to Phantoman's major help)
Nice project you have there. Are you using VLC's Telnet interface to record the stream? There is a schedule syntax so that you can set the time to record. > new tvpad broadcast enabled input http://TVPADIP:XXXX output #std{access=file,mux=raw,dst=/PATH_TO_SAVE_RECORDING} > new tvpad_show_start schedule enabled date YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS append control tvpad play > new tvpad_show_end schedule enabled date YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS append control tvpad stop > exit
You would need to have root access to your TVPad to make this work, unless jason13863 knows something I don't I'm at least glad that I am not the only one experimenting with the TVPad. @jason13863, I thought you didn't know Linux, now you are already playing with shell scripts ? LOL
Uhhh, everything worked fine for me guys. I installed the Solive and World_TV streaming apps and I was able to watch the channels. I also tried the Cooking_shows VOD app to confirm that VOD apps also work. EDIT: I wanted to do some further experimenting, so I decided to install the Korean streaming apps again, and now I do get the Korean message preventing me to play the channels!!! ... now that's bizarre! ... anyway, I have no use for the Korean channels, so I won't spend a lot of time on this.