Hi Everyone! Can someone give me directions/tutorials on how to get the app to watch TVB. I know tvb dont work in movie valley 2 anymore.. I'm not sure what firmware i am running but i think i have the second generation tvpad? thanks for any help in advance!
Download all these channel apps and copy to your memory card, the link is here: [hide]https://www.dropbox.com/home/TVPad Channels (for version 3.0)[/hide] But - format your memory card before doing so, and leave no folders or anything, just the channel apps. After you finish copying, stick into the back of the TvPad memory card slot. Under App Manager, at the top of the heading - install under 'Other' and there you would find all the channel apps from the memory card. To watch TVB, you can install either: 粵海寬頻, 粵海時移 or HITV. I'd recommend the first one - as this comes with 12 channel listings, whilst the second has only 3. To watch TVB Dramas on demand like Netflix or LoveFilm, use 港粵快看. This app gets updated every day or 2 days after airing of the episode. Anyone needing to download my channel apps can also use the link I've provided.
should we be worried? tvb sues tvpad 11-14-12 (1) http://www.tvbusa.com/index.php?option=com_club&Itemid=142&type=gttp TVPad涉侵權, 美國TVB擬採強硬行動 隨著資訊業、網際網路技術飛速的發展,盜版影音也越發猖狂,為維護自身的版權利益,美國TVB正式宣佈,將於近日啟動強硬的打擊侵權行動 聲 稱通過正規合作方式提供節目源的TVPad,係美國TVB首要打擊侵權的對象之一,據悉,TVPad提供海外華人免費觀看中、港、台、日、韓等電視直播或 者點播,其中不乏香港無線電視之節目,但是,香港無線電視卻從未授權于TVPad以及其連結的網路電視商,同埋其使用之應用程序,任何在美國的合法節目播 放權,為此,美國TVB將於近日對TVPad經銷商提起訴訟,打擊TVPad違反電視節目播放版權的行為 http://clubtvpad.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=662
Well, this is not an huge surprise, this could happen sooner or later. They got just too much attention, a lot of people placing advertisements in newspapers is not helping either. If TVpad don't have any livestreams anymore, there are other devices that can do it. It's just like with torrent sites, one torrent site dissapears and new torrent sites emerge.
Thank you for your reply The link is unfortunately not working for me, and also do i need to do any sort of firmware upgrade?
Just wonder, are the apps 粵海寬頻, 粵海時移 and HITV only working on TVPad or can these app run on any Android IPTV box? Is there a place where I can download those apps, besides their site?
Hi i just wonder to ask the tvpad playing on the ipad or android i done the playlist it worker fine on my pc but how can i input it to my ipad and which xbmc i should use have lots in the apps stock thank you
i am having the same trouble it just stopped working for me today, its saying something like user not found or app not found in chinese not really sure. when i tried updating it just wouldn't, and just kept saying it failed.
Same thing for me "the user does not exist" message. Been researching for a few hours, seems like the solution is to contact them to unblock the MAC address. I tried email service@tvpad.hk, but I think some people called them directly. No response from email yet.
I'm in the same situation! It just suddenly stopped working and I am left with a "User ID not found" message. Boyee, please do update us when you receive a response!