i think that app got blocked for your country last week. try using 港粵網路電視 https://mega.nz/#!FJ1EwQTB!Xhc2u_N-Kob89eGOjJbGqps97uHNvmbGPbThySnZ7ak
Thank you for your help. I have this app and did not know that it has live TV. LOL. It is working well.
thanks. also, the TVpad chat that you used to send us is down. i can't even ask them for tech support anymore. so far just using YUE tv, but noticed yesterday shows weren't updated, so thought maybe i have to DL yue tv update, but don't know where or how.
Does anyone know if and what station the Olympics will be on? Also, where is the link for tech support to TV PAD? thanks.
on the yuetv app, u can watch the replay in cantonese at the 3 day tvb replay section. for mandarin yuetv's 3 day replay cctv5 channel. for live games, it's in the olympics section of the M and vst app on ur tvpad4. live streaming apps like hdp and tv live 2.0 should be able to watch it live on channel cctv5. instruction on how to install should be on the old comments on this thread.
for anyone interested. 港粵網路電視 and Betv Plus is working again on tvpad4. install it for backup in case yuetv goes down. download link: 港粵網路電視2.050 https://www.sendspace.com/file/vtjb4t BETV plus 3.5 http://www.filedropper.com/betvplusv35
does anyone know if there is an update for yuetv? or rin general? thanks. curious to see if there are any working apps now. iwe've only been using yuetv, but noticed some hollywood films were not avail? thanks.
get the bluetv on ebay. it's made by tvpad. works great and have access to the apps store. i got it for $140 on ebay. us seller. http://www.ebay.com/itm/BlueTV-Andr...281842?hash=item2ef8f4b332:g:EGkAAOSwMtxXs6t3
My tvpad 4 no longer works. I get a messaging saying Your tvpad is restricted, Call you seller. The network is ok. I use ethernet. I've re-plugged everything. Is anyone having this problem? I also noticed the image flicker when it was working. The image is ok for a few minutes and then it goes. I've tried every hdmi port, all flicker. I shut down the tvpad, and the tv menus still flicker. Is this only a tv problem?
where are u located at? i think u have 2 problems here. 1. if u are in the US, clearing the cache of the box and do a cold reboot should be good to go. 2. flickering problem should be on the tv side.