The ultimate challenge!!!

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by chi_man, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    correct :p and ye, I decided to extent it :D

    that doesn't matter.... :p lol
  2. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar


  3. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar




    Sure there are no points being deducted if I answered wrongly? :p

    C: The Hague
  4. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Xiaojia+ Taxloss = 2 min
    Xiaojia goes back = 1 min
    BRain+Michelly = 10 min
    Taxloss goes back = 2 min
    Xiaojia+ Taxloss = 2 min
  5. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    I believe you have been tricked.. lol.. Correct answer for where chi man had tea = 2x ur existing points.
    If your answer is where he had dinner, your points remains the same. If not.. ur points reduce by half.. the percentage is the probability of each outcome.. lol..
  6. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    #57 (15 points)
    I've got four dices. These aren't regular dices, but dices with letters from the alphabet. Every dice has six different letters which makes 24 different letters in total. I try to make words with these four dices and I've got the following words:

    So which dice contains which letters?

    dice 1 = A,B,F,J,R,S
    dice 2 = D,E,L,U,W,Y
    dice 3 = C,I,M,N,O,Z
    dice 4 = G,H,K,P,T,X
  7. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar


    Hope I've guessed the right answer then!

    (@ Chi Man: If I haven't guessed the right answer just pretend you haven't seen it lol):D
  8. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    haha cus chii accidentally put a comma instead of a period
    or did he do it on purpose ... -detect
  9. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    LOL, since you extended the deadline and I was bored, so here's another story...
    You can ignore the first one I submitted, whatever you prefer haha.
    #38 (20 points)
    This assignment will be put on for 2 days to give everyone a chance to do.

    You need to write a short story (500 words-750 words). The story should start with the following sentence:
    -Hiake is going on vacation........

    Then somewhere in between the beginning and the end of this short story, you MUST include the following sentences:
    -Taxloss sees BabyRain and (.......) her

    -An elephant falls from the eleventh floor

    -Xiaojia doesn't want to (........) because (.............)

    -Until knoc meets b-lee, which is a (..........)

    The story MUST end with the following sentence:
    -At last, xmichelly is glad (......................)
    Exactly 750 words too :D

    Hiake is going on vacation in Spain, and she decides to stop in at a bar. It was the only pleasant looking building in that part of the shady-looking town. She looks up at the sign and it says, “Chillers Club”. Hiake taps her feet annoyingly while waiting for BabyRain. She had wanted to stop by at a shop selling curios and artifacts.

    Hiake asks Taxloss, their tourguide, “I wonder what’s taking her so long!”

    Taxloss sees BabyRain and waves at her.

    “Hey! Look what I found,” says BabyRain with a grin.

    BabyRain has bought a beautiful looking crystal at the shop, and is now showing the crystal to the other two proudly. Taxloss wants to have a feel of the crystal, so BabyRain hands it to him. Before she could place it in his hand, her hands slipped and the crystal falls to the ground, shattered.

    BabyRain screams at Taxloss, “Oh my God! Look what you have done!”

    “Uhm… I am sorry, senorita…”

    After trying to apologize for multiple times, BabyRain finally calms down when Taxloss agrees to sponsor their entire expenses for the rest of their trip.

    “Hey how about I give you ladies a treat here,” Taxloss says, pointing at the Chillers Club.

    Both Hiake and BabyRain nodded. The three of them approached the bar. Xiaojia, a stout looking lady at the entrance stares at them. She seems to be the bouncer of the club.

    Xiaojia uttered, “An elephant falls from the eleventh floor.”

    The two ladies look confused, but Taxloss replies, “And the elephant lives.”

    Xiaojia doesn’t want to allow the two ladies in because she feels sorry for them, but since the answer is given, she has no choice but to let them in.

    The three of them step into the bar. Hiake and BabyRain are amazed by the atmosphere in the bar. It is a dark place, with loud strange music, and there is a group of people standing in the middle, chanting. Taxloss brings them to the counter, and signals to the bartender, Chi_man.

    Chi_man couldn’t stop grinning when he spots the two ladies, and unconsciously scratches his crotch. Hiake and BabyRain shot him a look of disgust.

    Taxloss whispers to the ladies and pointed at a short midget, “That’s Knoc… We call him the Tall Man.”

    BabyRain chuckles, “Oh he sure is a tall man…”

    “Knoc used to be very popular in this bar. He knows everyone, and every lady treats him like he’s the king of this town.”

    Hiake rolls her eyes unbelievably and BabyRain laughs.

    Taxloss continues, “Until Knoc meets B-lee, which is a day to be reckoned in our history. B-lee is the midget son of Bruce Lee, and he looks as charming as Mini-me. So the ladies love him to death. Knoc is a sour man nowadays.”

    BabyRain says she is bored and asks Hiake to dance on the dancefloor. The two of them approach the middle of the bar, where the group of people are chanting. One of the girls, Xmichelly, smiles at them, and they step beside her.

    “Hi, what are you guys doing here?” Hiake asks.

    Xmichelly replies, “Oh we are doing a special ritual.”

    “What ritual is this?”

    Xmichelly smiles, “It is a ritual to… I am sorry… I can’t reveal too much. You just have to wait and find out.”

    “Oh well, this is boring,” BabyRain says to Hiake, “Let’s get out of here.”

    Hiake turns around looking for their tour guide, Taxloss, “Uhm, he’s gone missing.”

    The two of them return to the counter, but Taxloss isn’t there.

    “Where’s the guy who came with us?” BabyRain asks Chi_man the sleazy bartender reluctantly.

    Chi_man does not reply, only continues to stare at them with a big wide grin, almost like a wolf beaming at his prey.

    Sensing something is wrong; Hiake pulls BabyRain towards the entrance, “Let’s get out of here…”

    But to their surprise, the door would not budge.

    Knoc the midget smiles at them and says cryptically, “You can check out but you can never leave.”

    Across the bar, the music blares louder, and the chanting grows stronger. Suddenly, Hiake notices something else that they have not noticed in the faint lighting before. She had sensed something was amiss in the beginning, but could not point out what exactly. Now she knows… All of them seem to have white pupils. Xmichelly steals a glance at Hiake and BabyRain and smiles amicably. At last, Xmichelly is glad that she has new company.
  10. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member


    seems like you still need to understand that if something is multiplied by 0,5 basically the same is as divded by 2 :p




    I've seen it-devil hhahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!

    ill reveal the answer tomorrow

    isn't 0,5 the same as 0.5? I prefer the comma though


    anyways.... I first wanted to declare Taxloss as the winner, but your second story was good too............ omg its so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Other contestants are allowed to vote for either Taxloss or BabyRain!!!!!
  11. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^Give us both the points :D since we the only 2 who participated n put in effort :p
  12. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    I actually have thought about that, but let see if therea re any votes... if not, then both of you get the points
    #272 chi_man, Oct 17, 2007
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2007
  13. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    #59 (15 points)

    Taxloss, Brain and xmichelly are doing a shooting duel, they are in a forest and each of them has a gun. These are the rules:
    -They first need to play (bao-chieng-tap) rock-paper-scissors to decide who may shoot first, second and third.
    -In that order they need to fire at each other until there is one survivor.
    -They may decide on who they are oging to shoot
    -We know that Taxloss NEVER misses, Brain only misses 20%, xmichelly is still so unexperienced that she misses 50% of all the times
    -They all have a strategie
    -They won't die because the original target dodges and it hit the other target. (e.g. if Brain shoots at Taxloss and it misses, it won't hit xmichelly.)

    Who has the greatest chance to survive this and how big is that chance?

    XMichelly will have the biggest chance of survival bcoz taxloss and brain will want to shoot at each other to take out the biggest threat.

    Assuming Taxloss shoots first, taxloss will want to shoot at Brain... brain dies... xmichelly's turn to shoot.. 50-50 chance of survival.
    Assuming Brain shoots first, Brain shoots at taxloss, if succeeds, taxloss dies n xmichelly's turn to shoot at brain, 50-50 chance of survival again. If brain misses, taxloss shoots, oso wanna shoot at brain first... so brain dies, xmichelly shoots at brain, 50-50 again.
    If Xmichelly shoots first, she should shoot somewhere else... then it's either taxloss or brain's turn to shoot.. and eventually Xmichelly's turn again, 50-50.
  14. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    almost correct, the chance that xmichelly survives is not exactly 50%
  15. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar


    The monkey received 5 coconuts from each of them + 1 when they as a group divided the remaining ones = 6

    The total amount was split 6 times by the 5 of them. 6x5=30 +6= 36 is the smallest amount?
  16. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    incorrect, its not that simple lol :p
  17. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    Here it is, enjoy!:

    In my own version I've adjusted the chords of the left hands a little bit and played the song in a slightly different way since this one is kind of weird sometimes lol... just mess around with it :D
  18. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar


  19. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Not? :p

  20. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    still wrong