The Walking Dead Season 2

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by sonicbreeze, Sep 5, 2011.

  1. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    ^i c, so the newer models does have AC. Gotta have to take a ride on the A2, sounds pretty sick .... But then again, too much AC can be bad...sweat and Cold doesnt really mix together which it's one of the reason y there wasnt any AC on the A1. But then again, it's the military...they dont give a crap about us; the equipments are their first priority.....

    Episode 11 is not bad...i dig it..but it's pretty tragic...RIP dale

    Daryl, my fav char. is badass...
  2. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    He has some sort of wings on his jacket. It's like those Adidas trainers (Jeremy Scott) =o

  3. the group need to leave that damn farm for some action-shoot
    #123 shinobi, Mar 5, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2012
  4. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    "The group is broken."
  5. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    They face a problem of logistics; finite ammunition being the main concern. If it wasn't bad enough with the walkers, there are now arguably other human, and not necessarily beneficial, groups out there that will tax their supply considerations. But, as their food supplies dwindle, they're going to have to eventually hit the road again. But, I guess that's going to be season 3 or beyond, LOL...
  6. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    So you think S3 will exist? I thought according to your earlier statement, Rick is planning to kill off Shane? Won't that finish the story?

    PS: I didn't read the manga/comic links that you've provided.
  7. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    Dont forget that rick's wifey will die also, after her daughter is born.
  8. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    According to the comic series in end of chapter #06, as Shane was about to shoot and murder a defenseless Rick, Carl comes to his dad's aid and shoots Shane in the neck, killing him. In a later comic chapter, after Rick had nagging thoughts, he returns to dig up Shane, and seeing that his former friend had indeed turned undead, mercifully shoots him in the head so that he may finally be able to rest in peace. Obviously, in S02E12 the TV series, they mixed it around a bit, with the show prolonging Shane's character for a much greater duration.

    ...stabs Shane after being threatened, the revelation finally laid bare to Rick of Shane's secret intent to murder him in an attempt to usurp his leadership role and takeover his family. As for finishing the story? LOL... No, that ain't gonna happen. If one kept the same current pace of translating the print series to television that has been aired thus far, there is enough comic story to last at least ten more years. The comic series is still unfolding (ie. it hasn't ended). It is up to #95 at present while the television series presently is just retelling the events surrounding comic story #12. If the fan base is there, that's enough story to last for a very long time. The only problem is, the aging of the actors (especially the child actors). One forgets that the entire comic series time line thus far takes place in only about a year or so. While we've already gone almost two full year seasons of television just to cover up to the equivalent of comic chapter #12. Hence, Carl cannot last until the end unless another child actor takes his place, OR... the time line of the story needs to be changed to that of several years. But that artificially alters the logistics of the setting. Time will tell.

    But seriously, the time line and characterizations have already been altered to a real significant degree. Shane should have died very early on, but didn't. Sophia should still be alive but isn't. Dale should still be alive but ain't. Otis should still be alive but that too is naught. I think that in order to keep the show with a core nucleus, I suspect that Lori's going to have the baby but the baby will somehow not survive, but she will. In the print series Rick is also maimed, losing a hand to a vicious gang boss. However, in the TV series I doubt that would actually happen. Heck, they may do away with the bulk of the comic and just go right to chapter #95, where they meet up with a large armed and secure camp.

    At any rate, the 02-13 finale coming up is probably going to be awesome; an entire army of walkers was descending on the farm at the close of this weeks episode. Er... can we call in an air strike?
    #128 ralphrepo, Mar 12, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2012
  9. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    the real action is gonna begin next week....ep. 12 is a pretty good ep...
  10. rick kills shane then comes back as walker and son kills walker shane:wtf:-confused
  11. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Can someone explain this:

    I thought people (human) will only be infected and turn into a walker/undead when they get bitten (therefore, infected)?
    On S2EP12, that guy who wanted to escape and Shane both got killed by humans, there were no bites from a walker so how did they get infected? Was it because they've been drinking the well water or somthing?
  12. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    i dunno man, it's still a mystery or maybe i missed a point.... i understand that shane turned into a walker because he was stabbed by a knife and i assume that the knife had contact with the walkers....but i dunno about randall...he died from a broken neck and there werent any sign of bites...perhaps, the next episode is gonna tell....
  13. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    ah true, never thought about that. Straight to the heart too so instant effect! No fever (like that guy did in S1). Just BOOM, a walker!
  14. yellowtrash

    yellowtrash Member

    I knew the Shane result was coming when US news reported the actor who played him signed on for a new TV Show called LA Noir. Sad to see him go but excited to see new characters.
  15. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Apparently that's what happened to Dale. The manager or something got fired and Dale was reluctant to film (he was suppose to stay in longer till S3 or something) TWD since he was close friends with that manager as it was him that brought him into it in the first place. That's rumors anyway.
  16. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    A broken neck means get can't walk or move from the neck down...

    It was fcked up that Shane got stabbed but we all knew one of those guys were going to die, so much tension between them. It could be the knife but I think it's some kind of infection that once the human body dies, the virus takes control. So all the live humans are all infected but hasn't turn yet until they

    Still, great series, at the end of episode 12, wth..where did all those zombies came from!!!
  17. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    I THOUGHT so too! It's their immune system that is keeping them from turning into a walker. Afterall, after those battles or something they must have at least got in contact with blood, like how Daryl attacked those walkers and cut the ears off, blood must have gotten into him. Also how Shane used the knife to cut his hand (couple episodes back), he touched the bus/coaches after stabbing the head of the walkers (blood must have splat onto the sides!). Ah, we'll find out soon...haha

  18. in alot of zombie movies / logic , soon after a person dies no matter if they are bit or not, they turn into a zombie because there are chemicals in the air that raise the dead. I don't know how it is for The Walking Dead
  19. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    So airborne effect, another good example. Ahhh a long wait till the grand finale!
  20. zack55555

    zack55555 Well-Known Member

    everyone is already infected by the virus, they'll turn into zombies once they die, regardless of whether they get bitten or not... i'm sure you guys have figured it out by now.