The Walking Dead Season 2

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by sonicbreeze, Sep 5, 2011.

  1. kevin

    kevin RAWR! would be messed up if Lori's (I think that's her name) baby turned out to be a zombie baby and Rick has to kill it.
  2. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    ^tat'll be epic....But that aint gonna happen according to the comics....
  3. yellowtrash

    yellowtrash Member

    It's a very Sci-Fi-ish explanation, but it can work. Look at Lost and Fringe, two shows with a really weird sci-fi connection.
  4. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Dawn Of The Dead [2004] already did that...

    As for how infections spread, et cetera; zombies cannot exist in terms of present understanding of the physiology of locomotion, ie. how nerve and muscle function at the molecular level. So to pursue a valid model of the epidemiology is moot. Forget the science, there ain't any. Just sit back and enjoy them in all their nasty glory.
  5. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Lol I forgotten about that, giving birth to that baby was so wrong, it was set inside the mall. The baby came out so scary.
  6. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    ^yea, me too....and im glad that i did...that movie suck so much balls that i forgot what it's even about...other than it's all zombies...or is it?
  7. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    "...This isn't a democracy anymore." LOL... Finally, Rick grows a pair.

    I love how they lost the RV; you would think that if you're being overrun by walkers, people would have the good sense to close the windows and lock all doors? Talk about asinine. As for Andrea, nice ending with her meeting up with the samurai sword wielding woman. Both events are early in comparison to the print series. But it looks like they're about to discover the prison in the start of the next season.


    Er... I think they got him, dad...




    Ahem, how many are you and do you have reservations?

    The Walking Dead, Season Three announced:


    I couldn't agree more...
    #147 ralphrepo, Mar 19, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2012
  8. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    First 18 minutes was totally intense. So basically the helicopter/chopper caused those walkers to change directions AND the gun shot which Rick's son made. If the gun shot wasn't made, they wouldn't have turned directions as they appear to have enrouted else-where.

    Damn, the guy in the lab whispered "we're all infected" eh. I was wondering what he said to Rick. So it should be something to do with airbone transmitting diseases (ATD lol, made up)...

    The sumarai person has two armless walker slave/weapon lol, that's hilarious. I thought it was some sort of Starwars stuff (at first I thought it was the light saber as it glowed and had some special godly sound (when it was raised horizontally)
  9. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    The story behind the samurai sword and the two chained walkers (as revealed in Playboy Magazine):

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    ...they hadn't found and used a school bus much like the survivors tried to do with Dawn of the Dead [2004]. A bus is almost the perfect choice as it can fit a lot of people and supplies and, if battle hardened (ie armored and reinforced), can survive a lot of things, including minor impacts enough to push through other vehicles that may be stopped on the road. At night, they can stop on the road and not worry about being set upon by walkers as they can effectively seal up the bus tight. Your typical yellow school bus is the perfect vehicle for survival modding, IMHO. One can install extra bullet proof plating to the walls, install extra water and fuel tanks, and even mount gun turrets on the top. Solar panels would be perfect for recharging things like walkie talkies, which they don't seem to even know how to use (unless you count Rick talking into one with no one talking back). To be honest, these have got to be the dumbest "survivors" I've ever seen, LOL...
    #149 ralphrepo, Mar 19, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2012
  10. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Wow! That's a nice story. What I don't understand is

    1) She has two chained zombies with her, that would only mean that zombies won't attack the 2 chained zombies. How does it benefit here? As I remember in S1, the zombies didn't attack Rick and the others because they had zombie blood and flesh on them (then...later the rain washed it away). This woman with the samurai isn't protected with the blood and flesh. Hope you understood that =)

    ...and what I would like to know is...

    2) Are those chained zombies her BF and "idiot best friend"? (not that it's important but just wanted to make sure I can read properly lol)
  11. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Well, I think it's having the zombies in such close proximity that they exude enough fetid odor to effectively mask her presence too (to the other walkers). And yes, the two chained zombies were her BF and idiot friend.

    ...that they were all driving like bats out of hell? I mean, hello? These are walkers; they walk. One does not need to drive like they're being chased by the police. I was waiting for one of them to drive so fast that they lose control and wreck their vehicle. Frankly, one does not need to drive more than 10 miles per hour. Another thing, why didn't they siphon gas from all those cars abandoned on the road, BEFORE they hit the road? Heck, they don't even need to siphon, just a sharp object into the bottom of the gas tank will drain the tank. Again, these have got to be the dumbest "survivors" ever, LOL...
  12. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Oh I see, but how comes they seem to keep a distance from her? Like, they just stood there with a good 1 or 2 meters away. I understand that their arms and lower jaw got trimmed but they should still rush towards her would they not?

    Haha I actually never thought about that but yeah they should since they have done it before, so why not this time.
  13. person

    person Well-Known Member

    In that movie, the baby turned, cause the wife became a zombie.

    There is a possibility that the wife's baby could become a zombie too. With the pathogens in the air, and since everyone is infected, she can easily pass it on. I think the birthing scene next season will be an interesting one.

    That was a pretty intense episode. I hadn't watch the previous episodes since they saved Ralph. Had to wiki what I missed haha. But damn, pretty intense. The group is pretty scattered now. Wonder how the 3rd season will be. Hopefully not as slow as this seasons. The lady and the two zombies, I am very intrigued with.

    Good point Kevin made. How do the zombies know not to attack her? Regardless of their chopped off arms and jaw, they still possess that need to feed. I remember in Day of the Dead, the crazy scientist was able to 'train' the army zombie to not feed on him. Wonder if she did the same?

    Also, the hell is wrong with the wife? She originally wanted Shane gone, and even tried to convince Rick to kill him at first. And now she's freaking out over the fact that Rick killed Shane? In self defense? Hormones...
  14. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    F-ing gay....gotta wait till fall for this......It felt like the series just began......

    I think lori is gonna die the next season....
  15. when glen took over the wheel... he was just asking for that asian joke:trollface2:

    i like bad ass rick i thought his character was too calm and nice....rick with an edge-evil in new season(Y)
  16. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    rick isnt badass....he just had enough of the BS.....
  17. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Oh I thought it was a military camp at the end, but instead it's a prison ??? Lol, I was talking it would some sort of happy ending in the next season when they finally found a military camp. So based on the comics, anyone wants to share some spoilers about the prison ?

    Btw, what about the other group of people that the tortured and then killed guy (Randall) belonged to ?

    O man oh man, I cannot wait for the next season!!!
  18. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    During the time in the prison they...

    ...encounter a bunch of zombies, but then ultimately find a few prisoners still holed up in the cafeteria with an almost endless supply of canned food. Remember that this was a prison so they were stocked with at least months worth of food for several hundred prisoners. At any rate, they decide to hole up in the prison, secure the triple layered fence, and then use the prison yard for farming. One of the prisoners turns out to be psycho who then kills two little girls (Hirschel's kids in the comic). There are a few other characters who didn't make the conversion to TV but the idea generally is they find refuge as the prison can be a secured compound. They eventually venture off in a foray only to find some power mad idiot called "the Governor" that maims Rick (chops his hand off, but I don't think they can do that on TV). The Governor eventually takes the prison compound for himself and Rick et al are forced to flee, with Lori and the new baby being killed in the battle to escape.

    TV Character you most wish to get bit ASAP? Please Name Them ________

  19. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the spoilers. Waw, the comic is gruesome! I think a lot of it won't happen in the TV serie though, I can see some of those things upsetting the viewers.

    I think it's time I get me a digital copy of the comic to read while waiting for the next season.
    #159 Phantoman, Mar 28, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2012
  20. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    i thought in the comics, the daughter survived