The Walking Dead Season 3

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by shinobi, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Latest episode, LOL...

    ...filled to top to feed a one day old infant? A newborn would likely take only one to two ounces per feeding every two to three hours. Any unused formula goes bad quickly and must be discarded. In essence, if they mix too much, they're wasting formula. The full sized baby bottle is for a toddler (ie two year old) not new born. More appropriate size would have been four ounce bottle.
  2. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Lori either got eaten by that pop bellied walker (at first I thought that was her LOL).

    Check these comments out
    The latter will be very interesting!

    Rick gone crazy over the loss.


    Just watched the webisode and that guy named Chase look quite like Rick lol. I read the comments and people were speculating whether that's Rick's long lost brother because he was smiling when he was looking at the photo album in that room.
    #42 kevin, Nov 12, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2012
  3. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    So, went back and watched seasons 1 & 2.

    T-Dog dying hints to Merle rejoining the group. Even though T-Dog was the token black guy of the group, they couldn't keep him if there is a potential for Merle to join the group again. Because that creates too much tension where Merle would try to kill T-Dog. With Daryl as still part of the group, it would just be too much of a mess for the group to remain cohesive. Lucky for them, the former prison guards are able to supply another token black guy! This show definitely has racism and sexism issues, but I guess you're hard pressed to find any show on TV without those problems.

    Symbolically, perhaps the producers couldn't have killed off the baby so immediately. It would have been too much of an all hope has already died message, especially since this was already a huge topic of discussion in several of the previous episodes (the one where Lori was thinking of taking morning after pills in particular).
  4. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Regarding the possibility of Carol coming to Lori's rescue; I'm not so sure that can happen. Even if Carol had trained herself to perform sections, the undeniable visual evidence is that Lori was already bleeding from her vagina at the onset of birth. That was not a gush of amniotic fluid (which is straw colored and clear) but frank blood (remember her palm covered in blood?). This is almost a cardinal sign of Placenta Previa, in which the placenta overlies the opening of the cervix. As the uterus contracts to push the fetus out, the cervix dilates, ripping the placenta away from the uterine walls and causing massive bleeding. This not only endangers the fetus, but also the mother. Even if the fetus is delivered by Caesarean Section, the placental mass is trapped in the uterus and must be removed. In this case, Lori was already bleeding significantly. With the placenta trapped inside the uterus, she's going to continue to bleed and would bleed to death even if Carol did stitch her up. Check out the videos and you'll see exactly how complicated it can be, even within the hospital setting (where chemicals are used to force uterine contraction which expels the placenta and stops the uterus from continuing to bleed). After viewing the videos, tell me honestly, do you really think that Carol could have done that under such conditions? I certainly do not. While Carol may have been able to cut the fetus out, it would have been near impossible for her to know where and what to stitch. Also, the non sterile environment and procedure would have meant that Lori was seriously septic; even if the blood loss didn't kill her, she would have died from the septic shock caused by infection anyway.





    Also, from Wiki:

    Additionally, in the hospital, woman have intravenous infusions to help maintain blood pressure. In that jail, Lori had nothing and her physical health is already questionable from months of malnutrition and being on the run. Thus, her survival probability is, IMHO, zilch. Further, if one keeps in accordance with the print series story line... (see spoiler)

    ...talking to his dead wife over the phone. At the end of this episode, the phone has started ringing. Hence, in my mind, she's already dead.

    LOL... Good for you to have watched seasons 1 & 2.

    ...T-Dog's demise means anything insofar as Merle. Remember, that Merle is also the chief tormentor to his brother, who has seem to have grown a lot without him there. If Merle rejoins the group, I bet he will find that his relationship with Daryl won't be like it used to be. As for the prison, those men in there were not guards, but former prisoners.

    BTW, regarding the previous seasons, here's a deleted scene that didn't make it into the actual show. Interesting to say the least:

    #44 ralphrepo, Nov 12, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012
  5. Dav

    Dav Well-Known Member

    brilliantly written episode imo.

    came in here looking for an analysis by ralph. :)
  6. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Part 1. LOL... Sorry to disappoint you; fell asleep early last night and didn't even watch it yet. I'm downloading it right now as we speak.

    Part 2. OK just watched it; "Go Back" LOL... Great message system. knew the guy with the funny name traveling with Merle had to die. A lot of this episode is new insofar as the comic series; not seen in print was: Andrea making it with the governor was a nice evil twist, Rick finding out that he's really talking to Lori actually took place over several issues, and Glen - Maggie getting taken by Merle was just so lame. If I were Glen, I would have put two bullets into Merle as soon as I saw him. My point is, that Merle, even on a good day, was a dangerous pain in the ass that you would avoid like the plague. In terms of end of the zombie world economics, who would risk having his type of personality anywhere around one's self or loved ones? I know I wouldn't. In any law abiding society of course, I would be wholly circumspect, but after an apocalypse? His type of smooth talking self aggrandizing bullshit would only work in a functional society that observed laws against anarchy in the hopes of maintaining civility. In a Walking Dead world, I would treat his sort by shooting on sight. That is, I don't like you for whatever reason, you're going to die simply because it's one less thing for me to have to worry about; simple as that. This would be especially true if he (and Merle certainly was) was a known quantity. I loved the ending with Michione delivering baby food, LOL...

    Also, who would have known that Laurie Holden, who plays Andrea on TWD is so freaking hot. For those that don't know, she's in her 40's and is a veteran of Hollywood horror, sci fi and other flicks:

    #46 ralphrepo, Nov 19, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012
  7. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Oh my gawdddd EP6 is sooo fricking AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
    So much have been covered.

    Currently watching the scenes that wasn't included, 8 parts!!

    Yeah, what I like about this episode is that:
    1) Darly found that person (can't remember her name, I actually forgot about her lol)
    2) The phone calls. What's weird is that he doesn't seem to have realised that he was talking to the dead.
    3) Creative message, Zombie-gram as Merle says. Also Merle can't remember that guys name, Neil is what he says I think. I knew he would die, even if he didn't die for being so chatty he would have been put down because he got injured
    4) The ending scene, Michone, ohh my I was not expecting that (especially with her holding the baby power formula). I knew she would someone find her way there (after hearing about it from that car scene conversation) but wasn't expecting it to be so soon.

    Love this ep and so looking forward to ep 7 so the crew can kick some butt and beat The Governor. I hate to see the two hostage get killed.

    It is so annoying that Merle is being a dick, I thought he would have changed, but when the scene showed his 2nd gun, I knew things won't be nice.

    Oh Michone covered in intestines, then later she realise that she is not attracting attention, didn't Rick and the crew do the same in season 1 then it started to rain and the body parts fell/slipped off? Or am I thinking of a different movie like shawn of the dead?
  8. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    I'm super psyched Michione is joining the group (for however long this lone wolf type character is able to). She's already so badass and I can't wait to see more of her in action.

    I feel that the governor preys on highly unstable people. Merle, for one, and Andrea. If you remember from a few episodes back, Andrea was willing and ready to commit suicide at the CDC. It's not too surprising to me that she's jumping at the chance at any illusion of normalcy she sees as possible in staying with the governor. In some ways, I see her as being willfully ignorant, ignoring Michione's suspicion so she can live a bit more in a dreamworld. Yet, she's also not a rule follower. I don't see her lasting long in the governor's straight-laced town. When the illusion shatters in front of her and she sees the governor for what he's really about, I think she'll be able to move on and will be stronger because of it.
  9. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Yes, you're right...

    ...Rick and Glen did the same thing after they chopped up some guy's corpse and smeared his guts all over themselves to avoid notice by walkers. Also, I think that Daryl (not "darly" LOL...) has developed a lot of unacknowledged feelings for Carol (or in your case, "What's her name" LOL...) especially since after he found her knife stuck in the walker, and was so melancholy afterwards as he assumed that she was dead. The episode departed a bit from the print series in that the phone calls from the comic stories were all from his wife, not from any of the others that he was with that had died. As for the governor's hostages potentially getting killed, Glen does get eventually whacked (in the print series around issue #100 or somewhere thereabouts) while the others are forced to watch.

    As for Merle changing? Ha! His best use was being tied down for zombie bait.

    Yes, I too think Michione is going to become a important character. As for Andrea, your assessment...

    ...willfully ignorant, sort of reminds me of Palin type right wingers in the US, LOL... but seriously I think she's looking safe harbor and willing to grasp at any straw which pops up. Michione, on the other hand, seems a lot more astute and realizes there really isn't any going back to the way things once were.
    #49 ralphrepo, Nov 19, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012
  10. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Yup, she is a total ninja, how did she climb up those trees that quickly (at least I think she did since the camera focused on that tree). She is an awesome character. Like the way how she is casually walking with the basket with a bunch of walkers.
  11. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    Is Michione a prominent character in the comic version?
  12. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Yes. Very much so.
  13. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your response! I know I could have googled it, but I didn't want the results to pop up with any potential spoilers, though the tv series may deviate significantly and this may not end up being true.

    I'm so pumped now to see all her badassery!
  14. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    That's got to make it into the lexicon, "badassery!" What a word, LOL...

    ...we first see her when she comes to the rescue of one of the group as he is trapped against the fence by walkers, right outside the prison. She saves him as he is about to be overrun. She also had her two walker slaves with her, which she promptly disposes of by chopping off their heads. One of the things that I don't get about the television series is their insistence of getting a head shot to kill the walker, when most zombie canon has it that the decapitated zombie is dead. Another thing, the ease in which zombie skulls are penetrated is amazing. Most people may not realize it, but to penetrate a human skull, especially with a knife, takes tremendous force. It would be almost impossible the way that Merle et al did it.
  15. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    ^Hmm, I kind of justified that by the fast rate of decay zombie bodies go through. For example, zombies have cataracts forming in their eyes pretty much immediately after turning. While bones can last centuries upon centuries and, given the right conditions, millions of years, they do weaken over time. In zombies, then, they weaken and decay in zombie speed.

    Seems like this is just one of those illogical tv-logic things that the creators are allowed to use their artistic license with. The show wouldn't be nearly as gory (for the zombies at least) and we wouldnt get to see our characters be so heroic and badass without this tv-logic.

    What is they story behind the two walkers?

    When a zombie is decapitated, it's nearly harmless and certainly cant go after you, but I guess it could still bite you if you stuck your hand in or practically in its mouth (since it doesn't have the bone or musculature it needs to really propel itself forward). I guess the main characters just would rather play it safe than sorry. How much would it suck if you tripped over a decapitated zombie head and it was able to bite you?
    #55 cailini, Nov 19, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012
  16. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Haha yeah that is funny, they smashing them heads like it's tofu. Oh and yeah I have trouble spelling Daryl name sometimes and I am thinking, oh fk it, it is close enough. Just watched ep 1/2 of Season 1 again, speculations say that we may see that guy and his son again (the one that was reluctant to put his wife down).

    If I remember correctly on TWD S2 thread, Ralph posted a comic book print of that story, one of them is the BF and a friend of the BF. I may be wrong but I am sure it is definitely along that line lol
  17. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    LINK to the original post in PA's "TWD Season 2" that contained the print explanation of Michione's origin.

    ...when Rick goes back and actually finds the guy, it seems that his son was bit and had turned; the father was reluctant to kill him and had him chained up
    ...correct. One is the BF and the other was his best buddy; both were bitten and had turned while she was out looking for food.
  18. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    he locked him in some room, fed passerby/people who were wandering around to his son, he did that to everyone but Rick. That is what some speculator on Youtube said (gaven2 or something is the username, some guy who makes videos with his webcam)
  19. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    There's also a lot of this sort of "fact" info from Wiki, this MEGA SPOILER page is the run down (comics, television, social game) on Morgan: LINK
  20. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    very interesting, so he will be here in S3 =) I had a look at other characters too. Good brief summary.

    Turns out that Chase from the webisode isn't related to Rick/Lori lol. Although not related in real life, they look similar.