The Walking Dead Season 3

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by shinobi, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    If anyone is interested in those TWD Game walkthroughs, the 'final' Youtube episode (#5) is posted in this thread (where I originally placed the first four videos). Great ending even if a bit sad. LINK
  2. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    #TeamPrison is going to kick some serious ass next episode, so excited for the mid-season finale!
  3. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Good episode, with... Glenn. I was surprised that he didn't break, but I bet he was kicking himself in the ass for not shooting Merle on sight, LOL... As for Andrea, I can't see why she doesn't see through the Governor, but as long as she's showing a little skin in every episode, maybe that's not a bad thing, eh? As for Maggie, I guess that means she really loves Glenn. The hermit in the woods was a nice off beat touch; but sad that some poor guy minding his own business gets home invaded and then fed to walkers, I wonder why he didn't have his door locked in the first place? Also, forgive me, but that scientist fellow should have gotten bit. I was seriously disappointed when Andrea cranial pithed him before that reanimated old man sank his choppers into the upstart.
    #63 ralphrepo, Nov 26, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
  4. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    this season rocks.....

    i still dont understand y the governor is doing this.... they have more problem to deal with and yet, he's still taking human lives.....isnt they suppose to work together and be safe? maybe i miss a point or something....
    #64 turbobenx, Nov 26, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
  5. Some people just love to watch the world burns, and others just love to help the world burn. Humanity at its finest.
  6. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    ...he wants his little fiefdom; he's the petty baron or lord of Woodbury. He gets to have his way with the ladies, lead the men, and control all that matters within his sphere; he really doesn't care what happens outside except where it can benefit him. Like when he killed the survivors from the army unit, taking their equipment, and now wanting to take the prison. I personally think it to be misnomer to name him governor, which implies that he rules with the people's consent; IMHO, a more appropriate handle would have been Baron, or Duke.
    #66 ralphrepo, Nov 26, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
  7. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    The season finale will be interesting to see. The governor is mad, I thought he will do something to Maggie, but what he done was just as bad. Glad Glen pulled it off!

    You know what? I was expecting Michione to tell the crew about Merle (unless..she doesn't even know his name) and about the situation about Andrea and the brother (unless she didn't hear the conversation at that scene).
  8. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    She's not a talker... She understands that information is valuable and the more information you give out about yourself, the more vulnerable you are.
  9. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Is that why she told the governor of her suspicion about the bullets on the truck? She said something about "so walkers learnt how to shoot eh".
  10. shawnxme

    shawnxme New Member

  11. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    I think she was testing him on whether or not he'd come clean. Remember Andrea saying that while Michonne knew everything about her, she felt as if she didn't know anything about Michonne?
  12. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    ...we had discussed that in an earlier thread and surmised that by revealing such revelations of the bullet damage, she had made herself vulnerable; it basically showed the governor that he wasn't able to deceive her. In essence, IMHO that part was poorly written as a 'real' Michione would not do that. It would be totally out of character for her. I think she would have kept it to herself to investigate further and not challenge the Governor by such open laying of cards on the table. But, having said that, in terms of plot vehicle, it did give the show the ability to separate her from Andrea, with Michione leaving Woodbury (and Governor sending men to kill her) to discover Glen - Maggie, and the prison later.
  13. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Andrea need to wake up! Why did she bother saving that lab guy/scientist when he was so cocky and rude.
  14. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    In the comic series...

    ...eventually sees the governor for the evil that he is, and decided to help Rick escape. Maybe his counterpart on the televised series will do something similar, like help Andrea escape the governor, or "fall on a sword" for her later, as she saved his life.
    But frankly, I'm finding Andrea to be monumentally annoying this season. Other than sleeping with the gov and showing some curves, IMHO, she's been a do nothing this whole season thus far.

    On My Zombie Christmas Stocking Stuffer Wish List:




    Oh, and BTW, just for laughs:

    #74 ralphrepo, Nov 28, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2012
  15. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    ^yup -cool
  16. robsh

    robsh Well-Known Member

    now why the fuck do we need to wait till Feb for Ep9 !!
  17. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Those shitty Hollywood ethics nowadays; they (the stars) get a mid season break, LOL...
  18. Dav

    Dav Well-Known Member

    feb 10 feels like forever from now... loved the mid-season finale. i don't know if i've ever been so hooked to a show as twd. trailer for the next episode looks really really good too.

    EDIT: an interesting comment i read regarding tonight's events
    "Its pretty clear to the conversation Merle and the governor had about having Daryl as an "inside" (or something like that) me, the governor's accusation against Merle is all just bs to make daryl believe merle is back on his side, so he can take him to the prison...Merle will be the governor's spy in the prison..."

    tbh, i'd be surprised if this wasn't the case now. but i'll leave more of the analysis to ralph!
    #78 Dav, Dec 3, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2012
  19. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Frankly, you're mostly right. wasn't Merle, but another Woodbury denizen who 'escapes' with Rick back to the prison that was the plant. Rick kills him before he has a chance to make it back to tell the Governor the location. However, the Governor eventually finds his way there, and with a tank, comes crashing through the gates. In this television adaptation yet to be seen, I suspect that Merle is more comfortable with the Governor, given his personality; thus that's where his loyalty will be. He may try to get Daryl to change sides, but I think Daryl is going to break free of the emotional bonds. Remember, that Daryl has a lot of psychological issues with Merle. In previous episodes (way back) Daryl had 'visitations' of Merle mocking and belittling him. Daryl is the classic little brother who looks up to the older sibling even as the older isn't what one should look up to. Psychologically, Daryl is desperately seeking Merle's approval so I think this will set up a Hobson's Choice (ie. no choice at all). He will have to renounce Merle in order to do the right thing. Now, having said that; why didn't Maggie just shoot Merle when she had the chance? I mean, she was certainly without any remorse or hesitation with the "red shirt" (ie. classic Star Trek nobody character that acts as death fodder) whom she stabbed in the throat with the splintered arm bones. Merle's holding a knife to Glen, but a bullet is a lot faster. She should have just shot him. Also, the bit of Rick having a flashback and seeing Shane was just lame. Further, all those bullets flying and hardly anyone gets hit except bad guys and red shirts? That's a real stretch. At any rate, the prison scene too was a bit too fake with Carl coming to save the day. He shoots walkers without aiming, one shot, one kill repeatedly, to the point of disbelief. At any rate, Herschel's younger daughter looks fresh and clean. I mean, like she just bathed and had her hair done. How the hell did she manage to look so clean in a filthy prison with no running water? Heck, even their clothes look that they were sent out to a laundry. What they should have done was take their wardrobe from the homeless. At least it would look more realistic, LOL...
  20. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    ^Carl was using aimbot....