The Walking Dead Season 3

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by shinobi, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    ...Tyreese is pretty much a main character for a good part of the series, sort of a black Shane, if you will. Why they didn't even show their faces in this ep is puzzling. As for the lab guy? I don't know, I think he would be too pudgy given the slight stature of the armored figure; I think it was likely a woman. Though I wouldn't go so far as say it was Andrea. Given that the Governor was smiling when he heard the truck approach, it's clear that he anticipated the arrival, so in that case, it would negate the idea of the driver being Andrea, since she didn't know where he went. Food for thought.
    #121 ralphrepo, Feb 18, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2013
  2. sango

    sango Well-Known Member

    Episode 10

    Yeah during the shooting scene I was also thinking wtf they are shooting at each other and they all miss ?
    Because when they shoot at walkers they all do headshots !
  3. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    I can't remember what you said exactly in the past, but what happened to Tyrese in the comics? All I remember is that the group was different and instead of the woman being the sister, it was the wife? Andrea is such a confusing character, the governor is right to say that he doesn't know where her heart is.

    Thanks in advance
  4. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    It's been so long since I've read them, I don't know if my own recollections are any better than your's, LOL... At any rate, you can find all print series info here, but SPOILERS galore! Tyreese

    ...Tyreese isn't as important a character in the television series as he was in the print media. In the comic, he had already appeared long ago, and was an integral member of the group; someone as important as Glenn or Herschel. In the Comic, at this point, Dale too, is also still alive. These sorts of 'alternate' realities in what is essentially a fictional exercise gets rather confusing, LOL... But, remembering that Tyreese, a main comic character, dies in the midst of the prison siege, but doesn't seem to even appear in the TV series, I'm speculating that they may perhaps, be either saving him for other things, or else not giving his character the same importance overall. Another thing, one has to remember, that Daryl doesn't exist in the comic version. So maybe the extra combat support role that had belonged to Tyreese in print, was already taken up in substance, by Daryl's character on television.
    #124 ralphrepo, Feb 19, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2013
  5. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Oh shame, he became history lol. I hope that guy comes back to the TV series. The one from season 1.
  6. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    If you're talking about Morgan Jones, the guy that Rick met in the first episode then yes.

    ...Morgan does come back; he travels with them after having lost his son, Duane. He eventually is bitten and then killed by Michione, "saving" him from reanimation.
  7. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Hopefully he plays a good role, if he don't appear in S3, he probably appear in S4. The school right? Ah that's a shame, but like you have highlighted, things can change from the tv series as the storyline is parallel to the comics.
  8. gamer123

    gamer123 Well-Known Member

    wait last time i watch was the mid season finale, that was what ep9? they have new one now?
  9. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Ep 08 Made To Suffer, was the mid season finale. The second half of season 3 started with ep 09 The Suicide King; ep 10 Home, just aired. Ep 11 I Ain't A Judas, comes next week.
  10. Dav

    Dav Well-Known Member

    still no answers on the armored midget?? and damnnn tyreese...
  11. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Well that is certainly a twist...

    ...would imagine that AMC would pull another "Andrea" and have Tyreese switch sides from his anticipated support role based on the print series. There are several things that can happen here; at this point, Tyreese and his crew may just be used as show fodder, as the original Tyreese dies at the end of the prison chapter anyway. Merle, who everyone hates, may be rehabilitated. The fact that he can quote scripture was indeed surprising, a side of him that likely no one ever thought possible. It's obvious that Rick needs another capable and competent right hand who he can trust. Unfortunately for Merle though, given his past, he's likely the least trustworthy of them all. In essence, I still think that Glenn should have immediately shot him on sight back those several eps when he and Maggie were out supply gathering. :rolleyes:

    As for Andrea, I somehow knew she was going to punk out; I was thinking, "Nah... this is too easy. Either the Gov's going to wake up, pulling a gun from under the pillow or she's going to pussy out and not do it, even is she had the chance..." Sure enough. She had the chance and blew it. I guess ole one eye dick, no matter how evil, is still a dick she wants. :rolleyes:

    What's with the singing? Beth, who had been giving Rick the eye is now the resident singer it seems. When the script slows down, she always has a penchant to break out in song. They need to do something with such a hot character. Maybe she can 'cure' Rick of his ghostly obsession by er... rocking his socks, if you know what I mean... :naughty:

    And LOL... Little Carl is turning into an emotionless sociopath. He's even telling his Dad to give it a rest. headbang2
  12. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    andrea show :facepalm:
  13. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Well, we did get to see her butt, LOL...

    TWD S03E11 41.43 Andrea butt shot
    It's more implied than actual, as one can't really see anything. So, is it really her (ie. Laurie Holden) or was it a body double?
    #133 ralphrepo, Feb 26, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2013
  14. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    I am not sure if it was the mirror but the scene when the Governor lighted up that match and placed it towards his damaged eye, that was his left eye. Towards the end of the episode, it was his right eye that got patched with that pirate eye-band thing?

    This episode was like some union, wasn't all that. I was surprised by Tyreese though. I thought they would someone recruit back with Rick. Would be cool if Tyreese and that woman somehow help out Rick when they 'fight' the prison whilst the 2 other people (the one that wanted to take over the prison during Rick's absence) get shot during a cross-fire during the 'war'.
  15. sango

    sango Well-Known Member

    Daryl: Next time you see Philip, you tell him I'm gonna take his other eye.
  16. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Yeah, he was looking in the mirror.

    TWD S03E11 15.23 Governor turns from mirror after applying eye patch

    That wound looked entirely realistic. Insofar as the plot is concerned, when one sees him looking at his blinded eye, one realizes, that above all else, this is the source of the Governor's smoldering rage and his endless desire for revenge. IMHO, he won't stop until he kills them all.

    That being said, Tyreese seems like a good man; he's not nasty, he's fair even as the world around him has gotten rather ruthless. Moreover, he's willing to work hard for acceptance and protection by another group. In other words, Rick et al, would be lucky to enlist such an individual as an ally. But, insofar as the other two guys with him, Ben and Allen (they sound like they should sell ice cream, LOL...) they're more than likely to meet their end soon as they have nothing of emotional value to add to the show. Tyreese, though, recalls a personality closer to that of Dale, a moral anchor which had been missing (after his death) since the close of season two. The show would be better served if such a persona is reincorporated, as it would create the obvious moral friction and ethical dilemmas vis a vis survival strategies in their changed world. Thus, even though it isn't quite there yet, I'm hoping that somehow, Tyreese and his equally sensible and fair sister, Sasha (who BTW, is a lot hotter than Michione if one has the Jones to walk the dark side); get pulled in with Rick as long term show members. Allen and his son, Ben, insofar as plot characterizations, isn't worth as much; it's pretty clear that they were meant to be 'red shirt' fodder. As to 'when' they actually get to die is anyone's guess. But I'm pretty certain that they're wholly intended as story extras. One also cannot forget that it was Allen who had suggested their taking the prison from Carl, Herschel and the women. I would find that hard to forgive.

    An interesting aside is the difference in character treatment of Tyreese in the print and televised series. In the comic, it was he, his daughter (Julie) and her boyfriend (Christopher); on AMC, it's he, his younger sister (Sasha), traveling with another family (Donna, Allen, and their son, Ben; Donna is killed shortly after their party is introduced into the show). But, the real character loose cannon here is Merle; is he genuinely allied with them or, is his long term goal to infiltrate the prison? Thus, his real loyalties remain to be seen. Given the plot dynamics, I'm hoping that he is revealed to be still in cahoots with the Governor, but at the last minute, his Christian conscience rises to the occasion and he dies a noble death while saving the group from the Governor. Insofar as the Governor? No quickie for him, I want to see him get set upon by hundreds of walkers, and as tries to commit suicide at the last minute, his gun jams, LOL...

    That would be a fitting end for this scumbag. In the comic, he gets shot by a Woodbury citizen after the citizen (a woman named Lily) kills Lori and her baby, Judith. The woman becomes enraged that the Governor embarked them on a mission of senseless violence which ended with her killing another woman with her baby; she shoots the governor in the back of his head and kicks his corpse into a crowd of walkers. It was a dramatic end, but one that didn't have enough suffering for the bastard, IMHO. I would prefer the ending that I wrote, LOL...

    TWD Issue 048 Governor shot dead, in the back of head by Lily

    #136 ralphrepo, Feb 26, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2013
  17. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Thanks for that Ralph. I couldn't re-watch it because the streaming site is weird, when I go back, it stops loading so I couldn't verify it by myself
  18. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Probably something to do with a cookie the site left on your machine. I usually download the ep from filestube (there about one hour after the broadcast); just have to be careful of the fakes.
  19. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    i would totally get me some sasha.
  20. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Probably, it doesn't bother me that much though. OMG 1 hour after the broadcast, I have to wait at least 15 hours. I want to DDL it too but there are too many fakes. The other option is torrents but I don't like torrents.