Just a quick update on the two bronze statues. The winning bidder ($40Million) is in fact a chinese government adviser. He has publicly said that he bid in protest for the French stealing the statues and is refusing to pay. As he is in China, Christies will have problems pursuing/suing him.-hay1
That is one of the ugliest chair I even seen and it cost 28 million dollar ...I can't believe it in this Economy people will spent that much on a lousy chair..
LOL, Yes I saw that and my first reaction was, "Good for him!" However, even if he does not pay, Christie's, IIRC, can offer it to the next highest bid, and so on down the line until they actually have a buyer. Or, if the number of people interested slacks off, Christies, like many auction houses, reserves the right to null the sale. Personally, I think the PRC government needs to make a stand on this, and use the issue as a national interest point of contention. The reason for this is, that Christies can function in China if they obey the law. Making it a national interest (or what we in the US consider a state department interest) renders it above just following legalities. Simply put, China can tell Christies that if they don't give it back, they will never do business in China again, and that any company that does business with Christies anywhere in the world won't be allowed into China. Christies would be dropped by the art world in a second.
if i had to pay this much for a chair, it better have a jet pack or something that can get me airborn haha
Can't believe that anyone would pay that much for a chair! I would never have to work again with that kind of money...
why does this chair not connect to the internet. For 2 million dollars i expect full massage features and internet >>
it looks kinda different though.i don`t really like it no matter what this chairs value is.weird and worn out.-boat
I would not want that chair in my house. Piece of about-to-fall-apart junk and people CAN'T sit on it. You don't want people to sit on it since that cost 28 million dollar.
no way will i buy that armchair for $28m i can get one for cheap or for swapthat is cheaper and better looking than that looks like it can collapse easily xD