Fantastic Four becoz Jessica Alba is there! Who will you choose if you are Jean Grey in XMEN - Wolverine or Cyclops?
mingming2006 didn't answer the question properly!!! Stripes... dots never look good on me @_@b Wolverine Comic book or Japanese Manga?
Claws, I am lady deathclaw -devil Mind reading like Prof X and Jean Grey or teleportation like Nightcrawler?
Mind reading like Prof X and Jean Grey or teleportation like Nightcrawler? Mind reading (Mind control too) Read a story or listen to a story?
sex on a beach or sex in a hotel room? Hotel room.. Getting all sticky covered up in sand? No thanx. Sauna or natural sweating?
so? Lazing on the beach n having sex are two different matter. Besides, the pic nvr hint at those 2 girls are having sex? It's all in ur dirty mind... Computer games or movies Movies or both. cocktails or beer?
if a girl did that 2 me on a beach, I would be ... my dirty mind acting up again beer in a hot afternoon, cocktails are too sweet/ newspaper or magazine?
in the day, being on a plane at night is boring cuz there is nothing to see. breast stroke or front stroke?
breast stroke or front stroke? Breast stroke, less tiring on a really long distance trip alone : riding on a really uncomfortable bus or drive on ur own?