Thoughts about ending

Discussion in 'Relic of an Emissary - 洪武三十二' started by kevin, May 14, 2011.

  1. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    What do you lot think about the ending? Was it rushed, okay or perfect?

    I think the ending was 'ma ma day' because Michael didn't really need to give the baby to Sammul to Joe when Joe would have already know they are still alive. Indeed it's 1 life for another but still. Good thing though is that they have another baby at the end.
  2. shadowhao

    shadowhao Member

    ending is not as i expected , so sad
  3. pOtentiaLeaver

    pOtentiaLeaver Well-Known Member

    ending was ok la except a few things that didn't make much sense lmao
  4. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    ending was pretty good actually. Most stuff went according to history, some didn't, but overall I liked it

    What went right:

    Fong Hao Yu (JianWen Emperor's teacher) did piss off Emperor YongLe, and was executed along with 10 agnates (9 generations + his disciples), only 10 agnates execution in history of China ,total of 800+ people were executed
    YongLe changes Ma Sam Bo's name to Zheng He > Zheng He then goes on for his 7 voyages, Largest Sea Expedition in World History
    Li King Long did indeed open the city gates for Zhu Di, so conquering the region was that easy

    What went wrong:
    Yee Wah (Joe Ma's wife in the series), did give birth to 5 children (oldest son goes on to become HongXi Emperor, YongLe's successor), and he was supposedly in his teens during the rebellion against JianWen, I think this is one big mistake in the series though

    so there overall its a 3 to 1 for the ending, but i rate this series a 7/10, mostly because a lot of the female characters pissed me off. Like the ninja girl, Sire Ma and her horrible acting, action scenes, etc
  5. moranna

    moranna Well-Known Member

    It was ok ending, nothing to much to moan about and nothing surprising.
  6. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Nothing too much to moan about? LOL, did you see the size of that baby that the princess supposedly gave birth to? I bet she was a moaning and a groaning to get that little heffer out of her.
    #6 ralphrepo, May 15, 2011
    Last edited: May 15, 2011
  7. you try finding some parents that's willing to take their baby to the tv studio as soon as they're born.. all covered in fluids n everything..
  8. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    lol, too much info.

    That's true, the baby would risk getting ill or something.
  9. moranna

    moranna Well-Known Member

    I mean it was like something tvb would do, short cuts, it's not like tvb haven't done it before.
  10. pOtentiaLeaver

    pOtentiaLeaver Well-Known Member

    that fat baby even had hair rofl
  11. Was surprised they gave the baby away... o_O;

  12. zack55555

    zack55555 Well-Known Member

    for some reason, i thought this series was pretty good. i mean what more can you expect from tvb rite? i like tvb ancient dramas from this era/dynasty although i don't know jack shit about the 'real' history.

    i personally don't like Joe Ma very much but i have to say he did a pretty good job in this series, the character suits him well. I like Sammul Chan and Michael Tse's characters too.
  13. mvtt388

    mvtt388 Active Member

    The baby saved Joel and Michael lives, because when the baby was in JOE's arms. He memorized that Elanne and Joel had been in his arms, too because of the baby he decided to pardon Joel and Michael.
  14. moviewatchers

    moviewatchers New Member

    thought the ending was ok - could have been better
  15. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    i don like how it just ended with them looking at the sky...idk
    overall its ok.
    the arm amputating part was the most shocking scene for me lol
  16. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    if it makes you feel any better, in actual history Fong Hau Yu, is supposed to be killed by waist execution =), imagine if they did that kind of scene, not to mention all the complaints it will get afterwards lol
  17. pobox557

    pobox557 Well-Known Member

    the ending was as to be expected..... was of no shock
  18. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    it ruined the series for me lol that joe ma and gordon liu fight was soo damn :facepalm: ridiculous words can't describe it. lol its just soo gay that the series is not even short but they ruined the ending and the characters completely. I don't get kate tsui's character anymore. TVB has shit ass writers no doubt.
  19. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    i admit the Gordon/Joe Ma fight was horrible, like straight out of a cartoon. But then again, as i said few post above, 70-80% of the ending went according to history and that is what most important for me