Hey... That girl... do you know if shes taken? cuz i would do anything for her I'll come to taiwan to find you!
Wow, her friends are freaking hot... The red hair (girl), I think.... Looks exactly like that guy too... It's like a dream come true X2...
wow she is indeed beautiful. Face and disguize really do look alike. Altho I have to disagree with her high heeled white shoes hehe. would never see the real Tifa try to fight with those kind od shoes.
Fu-k you. On the other hand, I bet if he slouched just a little more, there would be 3-4 eggrolls for Eggrolls.
Wow what the hell how come im only a banana? and btw does anyone have any more information on this Yuu girl if thats even her name i dont think it is cuz i would have found something about her by now and i dont think shes from taiwan cuz http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=251861
The pictures are old lol, she may not look like that anymore haha. I think I saw them years back lol.