drink like 5 bottles of water and then dont pee... i assure you will not be able to sleep. Side effects include loss of bladder usage, and death =p
hehe.. seems like there are a lot of things i've never tried to keep myself awake! for me, it's always been COFFEE!!
Ha... how long have you been having coffee for?? Once you start having coffee regularly, your body will become immune to it... like me! :( Then you'll need to have like 10 cups in order to feel some effect!!
for me it redbull, this other drink called V (it like redbull but with better taste) then coke, a shot of vodka and ice this keeps me awake for like a day or so
neither work for me i dont like coffee and red bull soda keep me awake or some snake like a bag of chip hehe
yeah true red bull makes me think better, i remember in maths class i nvr listen, but n4 a lecture i had sum redbull man it was weird i was actually takin in what the lecturer said -lol