Too annoyed that idk how to title this...gonna live w/ a stranger?

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by KaY_xD, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. yes it's a reason to be annoyed, but that's no reason to be that angry.

    it's just 3 days, i don't know why you're getting so angry
    i managed to fit like 5 families in my house, families from france that i never talk to, for 2 weeks

    you're acting like your the princess of your apartment lol

    like fearless said, you haven't met him yet. maybe you'll find that you will both have things in common. and if you bring this anger with you when you tour him around, he'll hate you, and your mom might hate you too lol
  2. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Is he good looking =p
  3. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    i am;)
    so i sound angry when i wasn'

    idk how he looks like -_____-
  4. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    It's only three days...what are you gonna miss in three days? Less PA time? :p
    Technically he is your blood relative and not a stranger.
    Help your family out.
    I would.
  5. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    lol im sorry but i dun c any issues here....n i think ur overreacting i mean... he might not b 'real' fam but still... its ur aunt's nephew (if im correct :p)!

    n wats with the personal space crap lol.... its only 3 days... not 3 months or YEARS...i dun c the big deal... i can imagine u dun feel like doin that kinda stuff but put urself in his shoes...have u ever been to a foreign country all by urself? its kinda hard at the beginning so a little help would be appreciated....
    if u were to go to china for a while n ud know nobody wouldnt u want a tiny bit of help...?
  6. Tell him to eat bananaaaa =p
  7. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

  8. she needs her personal space to worship the devil..

    evil_mui 'lay sik jiu la!' -batman
  9. 3 days i can't believe ur complaining! if i were ur mom i would be mad that ur mad. I have a similar situation where this "ah por" keeps coming over to my place to stay every 1 or 2 months, shes way older then my mom so i guess she has to respect her. So she's been doin this for the last 3 years now and everytime she comes over she tends to stay longer and longer! it started with just staying over for the weekend to 2 weeks at a time now! she was just over for 2 weeks+ on july and you know what? after a week shes back again -surr i dunno why she does it but i guess old people get bored at home so she stays with my family, basically she lives and sleep in our living room watching tvb which is an inconvenience because not being able to use it and at night i can't cross it to use the bathroom so i have to use the one upstairs or go over to the kitchen and turn the lights on because she sleeps at 11 pm :rolleyes2: but w/e i havn't complained once except on now.... i'm just frustrated that she came back so quickily after staying for so long ughhhhh!

    and thats my rant.... so 3 days why are you even complaining its not like hes living in ur room or made you move :p
  10. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    lol but this happens to me all the time. my parents invite people who visit to live in our house (3 bedrooms) all the time. One time she invited her friends' families (9 people!) so 3 of them were sleeping in my room with me, some in my brothers room, and some in the living room. Just recently my parents' friend's daughter came to visit with her boyfriend and I had to take 4 days to take them around SF. turned into a total tour guide. hahaha. wasted my gas too -noclue
    its really not that bad.. I had to put up with it for a whole month once. and I didn't even like the people. boooooooo

    Anyway.. since you're not related to him I hope he is hot so at least you will have fun looking at him. hahahahahaa let us know :shifty:
  11. ang thas messed up having the old lady sleep on the couch.. you should offer her your bed!
  12. lol just invite his ass to KTs.. she has no problem bringing strangers home.. ;)
  13. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Maybe he's good looking and a gentlemen... ^^
    Keep your hopes high hun
  14. lmao go die its her choice
  15. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    why don't you look at his side instead of always being about you. he's a guest and only for 3 days which is short and not a month. think about how you want to be treated when their family dose the same for you. He's prob more nervous that he's stayin at your place and not knowing anymore but your fam. and you are thinking of ignoring him and all the negatives? hes thinkin of education in usa and you're like tryin to get him out of usa? lol it is really selfish. i don't blame you're prob young and not mature yet?
  16. amen -sorc
  17. it might be a match made in heaven your going to have the best 3 nights of your life :naughty:
  18. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    is that how you treat boys that come over to ya house?-whistle

    hahaha yarrr she's very....welcoming.:kekekegay:
  19. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    invite those chicks you recently picked up at your place, definitely scare her away for good
  20. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    She eats the boy's banana :naughty: