psh i wish i was 13 again -________- i went to the attractions in the city w/ him from 8 sth till 9 sth, it was hot hot hot but it wasn't bad, & I AM NOT GONNA date him cuz he has a gf already. he's real nice & TALL (188cm), i guess u can call it a sunshine type, i would consider him if he's single XD oh, he's 24, i was surprised again
i did, he slept in my room, while i slept w/ my parents, it was tough @ first cuz both of them are snoring with diff. pitches, sounds like an orchestra-sweat too short, i'll pass the job to ya
^jeez christ i aint talking about the thing u're thinking off >< im too short -___- he'll beat me right away if i actually do it (no im not doing it disgraceful god knws)