Traditional Men to Non Traditional Men?...Which would you prefer?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by wongie, Apr 4, 2007.

  1. tallgirl888

    tallgirl888 Well-Known Member

    I think 50/50 is fine. For some guys if they pay I worry that they expect something from the girl just because he paid...
  2. honkiebonkie

    honkiebonkie Well-Known Member

    here are list of altenatives/possibilities:

    40/60 - who ever eats more pays more
    50/50 - safest bet, easier to work out
    0/100 & 100/0 - alternate each time
    decider 100 / 0 - the person who chooses wot to eat pays
    */* - whoever can get the cash/card out quickest
    ?/? - whatever - mature ppl who know eachother well, don't mind whoever pays because they care about each other and won't over burden one another if they notice someone struggling
    throw a dice/coin - this could be an interesting game... haha