jose cookie cutter tvb char she also played by bad actress and she isnt even that pretty lol the fuk. Why they have to add stupid drama like this to ruin shows.
she's quite pretty yes (if we're into nitpicking, her forehead is slightly too big lol), other than that, seeing her in her bikini, i got nothing negative to say about her (her bewbs were fine, not too big, not too small)
sanya, one of the two biggest cities on hainan island at the very south of china (southwest of hong kong).
oh right, i didn't get that hint... i just remembered the episode where Head 姐 talked about him forgetting who she was..
pink pink is retarded to call pilots "fei gei low". apparently, they're just like bus drivers, only they "drive" a plane. and what does pink pink try to become? right, a stewardess. a position lower than "fei gei lows".
only towards the cadets.. lol... im sure once/if they become proper pilots/captains, she will act differently...
lol yeah her character is so annoying ! I was imagining Ron shouting 'shut up', smacking her in the face and kicking her out the door. :kekekegay: