he's just playing a "boring" role. sam tong is a rather boring guy. francis is a very good actor, he has played many other roles including evil triad bosses/members. playing a boring role does not necessarily mean that one's acting is also boring.
definitely no one important is going to die like in part 1. probably just some stupid love story happy endings with nothing interesting going on. seriously, almost everything is already settled, besides that victor dude being still ill/alive, jose still alive, issac still not captain... that's about it, i'd say.
i finally know what's wrong with the hero dude.. his expressions are fooking fake, that's it! just look at him in episode 38 when pink pink talks to him, he has that silly smile like he's really happy when he's supposed to feel a bit sorry for pink pink's feelings. he memorizes his text very well, but damn.. but he's showing either no expressions or the wrong expressions.
this series was fun to watch to just kill time but i feel it was a failure with no true antagonist ...
Season actor vs novice actor.. big diff... Holiday acting is bad.. Chilam is also good.. thats why they get the big bucks.. haha
After 39 episodes... Fela Chen is not as great as she/media claims in acting. Holiday is such an unnecessary character, and its made to replace Zoe... Zoe is immature yet holds purity. Holiday is immature AND Fake. The stories aren't natural and this version is NOT a sequel at all. Sigh =(
episode 40 makes me want to slap holiday so badly... what kind of retard dances happily in the rain with a camera? you're not supposed to drink 12 hours before flying, but 24 hours before flying you're allowed to dance like a tard in the rain until you get ill? xD
To tell you the truth, I hadn't even watch this series yet... >.> Hadn't really watch an entire series in months... But I will be watching snipers...