jeboos. this game of he called she called is getting fucking retarded. it's NOT over. not by a long shot. Not until you fucking tell her that you're not interested. shit man, just get this shit over with... you're fucking leading her on.
hahaha.... but hey.. maybe judging from her response.. she's probably not gonna bother you anymore.. don't look stupid now and tell her off.. what if she was gonna tell you the same thing she has no feelings for you..
I got the same feeling, i think that she prob wont call me again i am prepared to turn her down, but not until she calls and ask me to go out again which ofcourse i will say no to i dont wanna be silly calling her and say 'I'm not interested in you'
It's best to tell the truth. Or at least tell her that you aren't looking for a relationship at this time. Good luck!
fuck shit aint over as i thought it would she called me 1130 pm last while i was dead asleep i think i just randomly picked up something and there was her voice i was half asleep she said she wanted to chat, but after hearing the oud of my she said i should get back to sleep so i decided to call tonight she picked to phone..... robsh: hi she: hey, so your free now? robsh: no actually i'm still at work on night shift she: oh i c robsh: well i have something to tell you, I dont think we are suitable for each other, i dont really have feelings for you she: yes, i understand robsh: ok then lets just be friends, lets talk some other time she: ok robsh: bye she: bye it ended quite quickly so .... THIS IS HOW THIS SHIT ENDS!!!
How do you even know she was interested in you in the first place? What if she's in the same position as you are and is just being nice by asking you for your number to have a new friend?
big deal....tell her you're a fag (excuse my language) and get it over with. Cant get any girls from the place she works?....easy, there's plenty of hot chicks all over the streets.
Wow it seems like you over thought every aspect. Calm down next time, girls are not always THAT complicated. You just made yourself sound desperate for attention. In the end your reputation is only on the line.
You should just treat her like a friend. Sometime a girl call you, doesn't mean she want a relationship. IF you reject ppl so badly you will get bad reputation. Not a good way to turn down a girl. I'm a guy. lol