Hm this looks very interesting, i might want to try out tvPad. Wonder if anyone has a review on it that ?
Here's a new $30 coupon code to get the latest tvpad directly from the site. Free shipping code 19238315 You can still get it from ebay top rated seller and take advantage of ebay buyer protection. I've heard some had to pay custom duty fees from HK, DHL is notorious in charging VAT, so don't say I didn't warn you guys. here's the link to Tvpad ordering form. If you can't read the form, let me know. I'll try to help you out.
You can go to the HK (Cantonese) live streaming topic. The first post includes some youtube video's of this product and the instructions to buy this product are also included in these video's.
Someone did some tests and upload some video on youtube: TVPad2 ( TVPad ver 2.24 ) Simple Test [video=youtube;2aMVU9izTAk]"[/video] TVpad ver 2.60 (TVpad2) Test & Review [video=youtube;oJQGw90SoeE]"[/video] TVpad ver 2.60 (TVpad2) Live TV test - TVB & ATV [video=youtube;5q4jf8GQE80]"[/video] TVpad ver 2.60 (TVpad2) Video On Demand test [video=youtube;DiqEklJrYjY]"[/video] And Don't forget to use promo code: (15819288) to get $30 discount for purchasing tvpad from TVpad's official site (
if you want buy it ,,you can click this website : remember use the discount code :16073981 , can discount $30. will now work until 9/30/2012
Yes it does. I bought a TVPAD2 2 weeks ago. Try this link It tells where to buy and give a gift coupon that's works. I bought my using this gift coupon at as suggeted. It cost US$225. The only problem is TVB channel is removed from the online download screen (legal reason). If you decided to buy one and like to watch TVB, let me know I will show you how to insall TVB using USB flash drive and give you the apps as well.