Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by ultim8camper, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

  2. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

  3. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    .....Vergil FTW BABY!!!!!!!!
  4. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    I'm all about that Bruce Lee wannabe Iron Fist now in Ultimate.

    Inb4 I only finish my matches with one inch punch (level 3 hyper)
  5. vergil looks like another dante >__>
  6. damn watching Nemesis makes me want to play RE3 again. I can't remember if I actually finished that game. I vaguely remember running to chopper and blowing the hell outta the mansion along with it. Anyone remember if that was the ending?

    Would like to try the game out.. but doubt i'd be that into it..
  7. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    Bitches gonna get objected
    he's kinda like that character .. from ... i cant remember where .. but he has a satchel and grabs things in it and throws it ... and i dont think it was mvc2 .. hmmmm


    #27 ultim8camper, Oct 13, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2011
  8. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    hahahahah now you have card capabilities like the bleach games aahaahaha xD

  9. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    It's a free post-launch DLC. It's not integrated into what most people will play with like Street Fighter x Tekken, but it will be fun though.
  10. yeah the new mode looks like a lot of fun!
  11. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

  12. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

  13. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Do you guys even play this game?
  14. ^ I play MVC3 and will play UMVC3
  15. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Got my copy on Friday.

    New character stuff is pretty diesel.
  16. bolo2002b

    bolo2002b Member

    this game is so crazy, i love the game play, super power are big hits