Yeah, that's why he's always on drug-related threads to see if there are lines left behind for his hallucinatory pleasure
he is always everywhere but you post up anything with drugs hes around just like you anywhere with zombies
Well, the thing is most zombie posts will end up having someone yell "this is totally for hiake" or "hiake should see this" How can I resist such calling
I thought I have declared my undying love for Kakashi a while back in one of the random threads =_=b Why ask?
pfff, kakashi is the suck, im all about Giraiya sama, what an awesome dude. I wanna be like him, so skilled and cool, and yet so perverted.
i got a drawing of him being a zombie hehe its pretty cool i guess well kakashi is all about the hardcore looking ninja yet jiraiya.....he just a perv lolz
Kakashi is cool, I don't know, him getting all cracked up on whatever SINGLE X-rated book he reads is hilarious