Wow, the guy offered 2 million euro. I can't see why he has trouble finding a woman if he's that rich. Maybe he wants true love?
Oh wow .. that's a lot of money for a night .. lol .. wonder who's the dumb guy .. lol Anyway, everyone has different problems so they do whatever to resolve it. If she has the money, then she probably won't be auctioning herself. It's difficult to understand people who would do such for money; but when poverty hits, you gotta do what you gotta do to live on. Based on the look of her face (of course ugly), she doesn't look or sound like she's poor and in desperate need of help.
what if you was in the mothers position, would you allow her to do what she is doing due to poverty? :naughty:
i dunno ... saw a lot of mother in the movies pushed their daughter to work when the family needed the money .. so who knows .. old tradition, girl doesn't worth as much as boy .. lol
tbh im hoping its a prank and no person really intends on paying her any money, then she can go back to the real world and stop whoring.
Truthfully who in the right mind would offer 2 million pounds to sleep with her. For that kind of money you can be sleeping with 10 victoria's secret model look a like.
Lol, if they looked like a model what would be the possibility they would sleep with you? Even if you had 2 mil lol.
haha its cause mg doesn't believe in sex before marriage and he wanna bid for the right virgin? maybbbbbeeee-rolleyes but the search continues cause this one...
This is sickening, just shows how desparate some people are for money though...and I swear there have been a few of these stories on the internet already? It's so retarded how people are just doing stuff like this, to get that amount of money as well.