It's different in that it occured at a school. One of the few places where murder is least expected. Also the fact that the murderer happened to be a college student shooting at other students without purpose (randomly), as opposed to being a robber or gangster who often target their victims with a valid intent. (eg. to attain tangible items, to prevent from getting caught, personal vendettas ect.) Basically, there was no justification for why Cho had to kill most of the people he did. There was nothing to be won or victory to be gained (especially since he ended his life anyway). Personally, I don't think it makes sense to compare a massacre to individual killings that go on on a daily basis. Well, no one is forcing you or anyone to be humble. If you care enough to take a moment out of your life to acknowledge these victims and their families (which I think is the very least you could do), then fine. If not, that's also fine. That's your personal choice, and no one has the right to make you do/feel otherwise. However, for those of us who do care, it's not as if we can help what we feel. If someone close to me (though not necessarily blood related) passes away, I will be emotionally affected by it, despite the fact that I know far worse things are happening to people in other parts of the world. It's my natural instinct to react that way. So I think just because you don't care too much about this event, you shouldn't criticize other people who do care, because feelings are not something that can so easily be controlled. I will admit that I am more sympathetic when the victims involved are close to home. That doesn't mean I am completely unsympathetic to other terrible happenings around the world. It just means that I care about them to a lesser extent. I mean, can you honestly tell me that you care about other people's families as equally as you do for your own? It's pretty much the same idea here. Well actually, Virginia is known to be pretty lenient with respect to their gun laws. I think as long as you're 21 or over and have no records of felony, you will be given a gun. I'm not sure whether they even do serious background checks.
a song made by jin as a tribute to the victims
Virginia does indeed do serious background checks along with NICS checks to make sure he/she has no federal or state charges before he/she is to buy a gun. The problem is that this guy has no criminal/felony charges, thus the background check is pretty much useless in cases like this. What I find scary is that Bush/Congress did not extend the law in banning the sale of military-firearms and assault rifles (the law ended in 2004) such as the AK47, which are accessible now. I can only imagine the casualty rate being much much higher if Cho was to get his hands on semiautomatic assault rifles.. which I can see happening in future school shootings. And it appears that Cho has bought his first handgun 3 months prior to this tragedy and then a second one a month prior due to the one-month restriction gun policy in Virginia.
u think? All asians look the same to white/black folks. u one of them asians ...I just saw Jin's tribute to VT and realise there were 33 killed including the killer. How ironic that the number 33 signifies " live" in Is it the same in Korean? Anyone know?
just because he was asian gives it a whole other dimension to it. media here in holland keep saying he was a korean . even though he practily lived his whole life in the states. but why dont they say he was american just like million of others in america? maybe because something bad. i dont want to say because he aint white coz thats too easy. still its kinda odd the way the media keep profiling him as an outsider to american society. every "fool" could have done this. no matter what kind of origin.
but it's the fact that this guy did something so out of the ordinary, americans (i'm not saying all, but a majority) don't want to have him affiliated with the american status. it helps that he's not white because then, the media can look to something to blame it on. instead of mentioning that he pretty much lived an american life, he was a "alien resident" in the USA.
Oh yeah, read about the ebay account he had with very positive feedbacks! What would the last few people that have been dealing with him thinking now?
thank you for pointing out my whole point. seriously. but i still dont get it why they want to do this.
didn;t check his account. what did he sell/buy. From my "spidey" sense, the real story will come out soon.
ehhh the dude just got issues and cant take being bullied bleh just another one of those everyone picks on me kind of kids
I'm sure it is more than that. 33 is alot of anger. I wonder why no one jump da fucker when he went into the room. they just lie down to get shot. like what Jin said. What makes a man take the life of another?