I see your point on the parallels and i agree with them. However, i don't see how the interrelate to what happened at the school with what i said previously.
lol w/e this is popular asians, not popular united nations or... something hahaha, im writing out notes on japan's role in WWII at the moment V_V almost fully prepped for my jap history final tomorro -dead
about an hour ago... I just found that my roomate's brother is confirmed RIP :( he's actually someone I know, even tho not as close.... I really don't know what to tell him.. I really want to call him... :(
i read this in a youtube comment... is it true? and in this movie, at the end, the dude says "asians that are racists are gonna do this all the time.." wtf... and not black racists? and white racists? bastard.. [youtube]_8jSCvyacm0[/youtube]
And your point being...? I seriously don't understand why so many people are making this an issue about RACE. Why should it matter whether he's Asian or Mexican or European? Is that really what we should be concerned about? The color of his skin? He's a freaking HUMAN BEING, and the fact that a human being committed such violent act against other human beings is what we should be focusing on. Rather, I go to several different forums and see people making ridiculously ignorant comments like "I bet he's Vietnamese," and "As long as he's not Korean". What the heck, guys? 30+ people were killed, and all people are concerned about is the guy's race and whether this will have anything to do with how it's going to reflect on them as Asians? Truly, get a grip. It's a tragedy regardless of the person's race! Unless he targeted people by racial discrimination, which none of the sources have said he did.
that video is bullshit lol. If it had been a black guy he would have said 'black people who are racist will do this all the time" what an ignorant prick.
I think you are one of the few who actually think that way. The world would be a better place if there are more of you around. In reality, most poeple are shallow and racists.
what the heck is wrong with that guy who made up the video? I say we freaking spam that guy. http://youtube.com/watch?v=_8jSCvyacm0 I feel so bad for those who are affected by this, makes me feel so insecure on campus.
OMG, i am so sorry. I guess the best thing to do is just to be there for him if he needs you or tell him you're there for him? Usually hugs work the best in these type of situations. There isn't much you can say.
I actually visited the the forum and the level of ignorance that the members there display is beyond ridiculous. Quoted these directly from the site: A lot of the members there seem to be an avid fan of Hitler's. Anyhow, I also realize that those comments above put the Americans in a not so positive light, but I would like to think that you guys are not so narrow-minded as those specific individuals to assume that all white-Americans share those same racist mentalities. I couldn't agree more. Sadly enough, I think you're very right about the shallow and racist part. But I do feel that if less people bring up the word "asian", or any other race for that matter with response to this event, then at least less racist comments would be triggered.
the gunman was from SHANGHAI!!! OH THE HORROR!!! -shock damn I was watching the news on it... n some student actually recorded the thing... well it was outside the building... but you can hear the gunshots and that shit was just crazy...
i jsut don't understand the point in focusing in on the fact that he was asian...what good does it do? this guy was just out of his fucking mind, plain and simple.