Oh, that's fine. The vault is a sort of quarantine. As long as the virus is in the vault, it's contained and can easily be deleted by AVG.
fudge..... i think my computer is still infected.. using eset 30 day trial version right now..detected one virus.. but i deleted it... sigh..
In some cases a system restore isn't always effective. If you have no clue why you're still infected, why do you think you are?
no clue.. after the 1st scan of eset AV prog and deleting that virus, the 2nd time it scanned it wasnt there anymore.
lols if you still paranoid do a re-format haha....as long as it doesn't do anything fishy i guess you're safe. something like that happened to someone i know, avg didn't solve anything...
^true that, i have only done that one time in 3 years lol....need a bigger external hd, and yea installing everything back is a pain in the ass, but hey man your paranoia could motivate you to do it haha...
reboot in safemode dont know if windowvista has it (F8) use kaspersky -and check if anything is in your startup (dl ccleaner + and back click recycle biin and open ccleaner) -i remembered when i used avp it deleted everything of mines.
i already reinstall vista.. lol problem is i can't play call of duty 2 like i used to be able to... :(
dont know.. people same the drivers are causing it.. well when i disable audio it loads, but when i start playing for like 10 min then it close me out..
check and see under device manager if theres any yellow question marks on some components, maybe you forgot to install some drivers.
none... already updated all drivers.. still dont work well.. used to be able to play cod2 on vista without any problem besides slow start....