Vista Sucks!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by mingming2006, May 31, 2008.

  1. AZN-511

    AZN-511 Well-Known Member

    yes, yes, yes, vista will be my undoing, everything seem to crash, including DVD burning software, video conversion, codec installations, games etc. etc.
  2. sars4tw

    sars4tw Well-Known Member

    Hmmm I've tried converting RMVB to avi format and I've no problems with it so far.
    Vista is actually very nice.
  3. gentle_br3eze

    gentle_br3eze Well-Known Member

    0 looks cool but than there is a whole bunch of problems that come with it...
  4. BreathingLifeX

    BreathingLifeX Well-Known Member

    vista is more complicated cuz im use to xp
    ive to work with vista at school and its not easy..
    xp is still the best!
  5. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    a lot of consumers who complain about using vista are using ancient machines. if you don't upgrade your machines, don't expect to use new stuff because technology moves forward.

    oh, windows 7 supposedly has the same requirements as vista, and vista's over a year old. if you're having problems running vista, some extra memory should help usually, but if you won't upgrade even just that and you cannot use vista properly, don't expect to run windows 7 i suppose. better yet, don't even cry about it, lol.
  6. I got vista and i like it very much, it feels much much safer than XP and t gives me no problems at all, in a month or two ill be upgrading to windows 7, ill just give t a little tme first

    and, yes, if your computer is not very fast and you aint got 3gigs of ram at least then maybe you should get windows 7 or XP, forget vista
  7. KilaKilaGirl

    KilaKilaGirl Well-Known Member

    I got 3 ram yet i dont use all of the rams' powers.
    I got like 50 usage of the total ram. Anyway, vista does looks better than the "douche, childish looking XP./
  8. ^ no it wont, but its the unofficial recommendation to run vista properly, to run it properly you need to go over the minimal requirement, but windows 7 will be much better, our computers will run faster.

    i got 4 gigs, but 32bit OS's dont recognise it anyway, ive now forgotten XP, but i was very reluctant to leave it so i know it was good
  9. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    I don't remember but 32bit OS's only utilise up to 3 gb of ram right? Personally I still think xp pro corp is still better. But w/e works for the individual right?
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    I think as time goes by, people are beginning to realize that the average consumer is nothing more than late beta testers for M$. Vista had been universally panned as too little for too much; and with Win7 right around the corner, it seems foolish to even try to install Vista at this point.

    That said, I remember when I was using Win3.11 and Win95 was announced. All the people that were into new things immediately jumped on the M$ bandwagon and got into some seriously troublesome crap. Programs didn't work any more, or behave strangely. That, in a nutshell, it the M$ upgrade experience. My computer does what it needs to do for me right now and I'm quite happy with how it functions. For me, letting a few generations of OS's go by is no big deal. Thus, you kids can go play in the water, I'll watch from right here... -^_^
  11. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Anyone comparing the similarity between Windows 7 and Vista don't really know the differences in Windows 7...
  12. Koen F. Seiei

    Koen F. Seiei Member

    That's So True! Vista is just too new to be reliable. You have to wait it out.
  13. Lenaxia

    Lenaxia Member

    Vista is meant to look pretty, thats about it. It's why they came out with multi core processors. One core for your OS one for your virus scan, and one for your web browser and one for whatever else you need.
  14. Wangleehom

    Wangleehom Member

    Heard that Vista supports pretty sick video cards tho!
  15. rjtehz

    rjtehz Member

    mac for the win! :)
    interested in trying windows 7 :p
  16. burpyierz

    burpyierz Well-Known Member

    i convert stuff really easily with vista
    in my opinion its faster than xp
    on xp it used to takes longer to convert =)