Walking Dead Season 5

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by ralphrepo, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

  2. [N]

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  3. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    SOB... SOB... SOB...

    I'm going on a mission to hunt down and eviscerate Kirkman... :facepalm:
  4. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    Theres only room for one black dude...
  5. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    And that's Morgan Jones!

    Oscar (Prison cell-mate who died while infiltrating woodbury if I remember correctly)
    Big Tiny (Prison cell-mate, the guy who got stabbed by a cuffed walker; he walker torn its' arm off and the bone became an infected weapon)

    At least Michonne is still alive, don't really mind if Sasha dies.
  6. burpyierz

    burpyierz Well-Known Member

    I hate this stupid story: like when he was driving, look at the road please, there is like 80% of chance a zombie will appear out of nowhere and you crash the car.
  7. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    i raged quit this show... tell me when it's the series finale...
  8. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member


    What I don't get about this show is how main print characters get waxed so easily. But...

    in Ep 5-09, Tyreese getting bit not just once, but twice (LOL...) in the same arm has convinced me that they should ALL wear some sort of Emergency Bite Guard (like the prison riot gear they had before) on their arms that would prevent actual injury while they attempt to regain control of a surprise fighting encounter. In other words, it presents a distraction target to the walker but is actually a close quarter combat defensive shield, giving the walker something to occupy his teeth, allowing a character to save him or herself from an actual bite when they get ambushed like Tyreese did (never mind the fact that the he was day dreaming, losing critical focus during a tactical situation). But something else I don't understand; how Tyreese, after standing up to a mob of walkers before, would be so nearly overpowered and fighting for his life from one walker? Maybe after running a few blocks first and then losing some blood? I don't know; I personally don't think it would or should have depleted his energy reserves that much to make a walker his physical match. The wounds that Tyreese had should NOT have caused him to bleed in the totally exaggerated excessive amounts that was shown. If that were the case, playground fights in grade school would be deadly encounters. Also the scene where they're trying to lift Tyreese and run...? If anyone is ever in that situation and needs an emergency stretcher; take several bedsheets, layer about four or five of them together and the put the wounded person on top. Have carriers line up like pall bearers on the sides, roll up the combined sheets along both sides and then lift. It was nice to "see" Beth again. Damn, she's fine. The other characters? Well, I guess they all got a SAG day rate out of it. At any rate it was a poignant ending for Tyreese, coming to terms with his own death in an emotionally comforting way, seemingly on a journey with good friends.

    In another development which I think was long overdue, was the shocked look on Michione's face when she tried to decapitate the walker (in scene where they're surrounding Noah on the porch) only to have her blade bounce off the hidden metal re-bar that was stuck in the walker's back. This leads me to believe that show producers should consider that not all walkers "died" two years ago. That is, while their decomposition rate is the same, their decomposition states are different (dependent upon how long each were individually undead) and thus, their inherent body structures should likewise have suffered different states of decay. An undead from two years ago would arguably have much less physical reserve than another which is newly made (after a survivor is freshly bitten). So an older zombie may have his skull crushed like a thin paper balloon, while a "fresh" or recently turned corpse would have a relatively solid skull that shouldn't be as easily bashed in.

    Then, in Ep 5-10, Did Darryl really eat that earthworm? Hardcore method acting, LOL... Kudos if he did. Additionally, I once saw a History Channel "what if" documentary about a world suddenly without humans, in which they then detail how everything will fall apart. One of their suppositions was that domesticated dogs in general, would revert to primitive origins and begin to hunt in packs, with only strong and large canines being successful (in other words, poodles, yorkies, chihuahuas, and other worthless rodents on a rope need not apply). In that sense, it was nice to see this concept spill over into the TWD episode.

    LOL... Gabriel, losing his collar and eating dog meat with the rest of them.

    Another thing, with all the moist wet soil (not consistent with droughts) I'm wondering why they didn't use a waterproof tarp with the evaporation condensation method to collect water? It's a simple survival skill that any soldier (which Abe supposedly is) should know?

    In that barn, with all the openings through the wood, did anyone notice that nothing inside got wet during that terrible storm? If that's the magic barn, then maybe they should stay there instead?

    And how about Rick's earth shattering revelation, of "...We are, ...the walking dead?" Comments, anyone?

    Also, by the time this episode happens, it's been a good two years into the zombie apocalypse; you'd figure they would've learned good road security and have members form a perimeter facing outwards while they're resting. If anything, having a noncommissioned officer like Abe, he should have known that too.

    Invoking my internal Gamer Thought Process? But as soon as I saw the Rifle with scope in the barn, my first thought was to collect it and see if there was any ammunition left laying around. BTW, if anyone doesn't know, the most common civilian rifle ammunition in the United States, especially in the south (where this story line takes place) is the .22 caliber long rifle round.

    Finally, in Ep 5-11, when they were crashing through the herd of zombies; you'd suppose that by now, any surviving vehicle still in use would have gotten the Hyundai Mad Max treatment and had been armored up with all sorts of good defensive grills, plates, and bars. Heck, Glenn didn't even have windshield wipers that worked, LOL... It it were me, I would have a re-bar cage around my vehicle to absorb and "chunkify" the zombies as I hit them along with a cow catcher front to divert their bodies to the side so that they don't hit my windshield, get caught under my wheels or stuck in my grill. But, then we wouldn't have had Glenn driving like a crazy Asian through a crowd of pedestrians, would we? LOL...

    Also, loved how Rick smacked Aaron (wearing his soft LL Bean "outdoors" type wannabe jacket, ha ha...) in the middle of his opening speech.

    Given that they were almost overrun by a herd in the middle of the storm, you would think that they would have thought to fortify the barn just a bit more?

    And what's with the bullshit scene involving the applesauce? "My mom used to make me eat things I didn't like to make me more manly..." said Aaron, in what turns out to be a gay rights episode.

    Best line? Aaron, surrounded by an approaching herd, "We need to leave now!" Like no shit, Sherlock, LOL...

    Also, the fight at the end, Rick never reloads his six shot pistol but never seems to run out of bullets until way past due?

    Glenn the mechanic? "How'd you know those were there?" LOL...

    Rick Geocaching a gun? I wonder what's going to come of that?

    Also, arriving at Alexandria, a gate with no guards challenging them? ...with the sounds of playing children? That's like a walker dinner bell, IMHO...

    So, now they finally arrive at the Alexandria "safe zone" where (in the print series) they get a brief respite from both walker and human marauders alike. However, in the print series, Alexandria does eventually get overrun by walkers and is later threatened by another city state. I've always said that protected enclosures must be segmented, so that one point of compromise does not endanger the entire enclosure. Additionally, they couldn't find some Hesco barriers or make good old fashioned dry stone walls reinforced with tamped earth? (Where's the Ming Dynasty when you need them, LOL...) I know defensive engineering isn't glamorous, but it does save lives when done properly. Since Andrea already died during Woodbury, my suspicion is that Sasha will take over her role as sniper during the attacks on Alexandria. Notice how well she handles that rifle (in the scene with the dogs)? Anyway, a random point about all this is, given that many of them have military grade rifles, why aren't more of them using bayonets, makes an easy "stick" into zombie's face. I notice too, that not many are using shotguns which, one would think, would be a preferred weapon for such close quarter combat. Again, shotguns in the American south are as easily available as beer and cigarettes...
    #28 ralphrepo, Feb 24, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2015
  9. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    Walking Dead is on 2nd strike in my books - 3rd strike and I'm done with Walking Dead ...
    1st strike: When they killed off Dale.
    2nd strike: When they killed off Beth.
    3rd: Perhaps when they kill Daryl or Glenn.
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Don't know when they will actually whack Darryl of Glenn, if at all.

    ...is a role characterization only on the television series so there is no print story precedence, while Glenn does eventually get executed, but much later. Having said that, Beth Greene was also a character that was not true to the comic series either. Bob partially took the place of Dale, while Andrea is still supposed to be alive if one follows the print series. Sophia is alive in print but is dead on screen, the opposite of her character's mother, Carole, who remains alive in television but is long dead and buried at the comic prison. So, IMHO, there's no guarantee that Glenn or Daryl has to be killed off at all as the writers of the show may decide that either are too much a viewer draw to take out of the story. On the other hand, the rumor is that Kirkman himself, once said that there's no sacred cows at all on this show; even Rick's role is not guaranteed.


    Ep 5-12 Well, just finished watching their deciding to settle into Alexandria and already more than a few things seriously bother me. Firstly, I don't understand how such a weak group could have survived for so long. Additionally, it doesn't make sense that the leader banished Negon before because she's so weak. I doubt that she would have been strong enough to have done something like that given that Negon is a character on a par with the Governor. IMHO, he would have already taken over the camp before he was cast out. So that plot line makes zero sense.

    Also, those flimsy sheet metal walls? I would supplement them with this:

    Simple, easy to make with naturally found materials. Obviously one needs to make them tall enough so that zombies can't climb over easily. If the outer walls fall or are breached, having inner stone walls to protect the houses would be a good idea. Heck, if I were in Alexandria under such apocalyptic conditions, I would have a house with such an outer skin, to protect against zombies AND other people. The basement would also have an underground well.

    The big question now is... who took Rick's geocached gun?
    #30 ralphrepo, Feb 25, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2015
  11. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    ep 12 was good.....seems like there's a new female that i like... JESSIE
  12. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    The Jessie part starts off a series of events that will...

    ...if the TV portrayal stays true to the print series. In the comic version, Jessie is married to Pete, an abusive husband, who also happens to be the talented surgeon that Aaron spoke so highly of to Noah. Eventually Rick and Pete have it out, with Pete being shot and killed by Rick, who then beds Jessie. Their fight attracts the attention of a roaming band of armed scavengers, who try to force their way in and thus are engaged in a fire fight with Alexandria. In turn, this noisy event attracts an extremely large herd and Alexandria is eventually overrun by walkers ¹. Jessie and her son are eventually killed during a "walker camouflage ² " escape attempt . Her son Ron, unable to maintain his composure, panics and loses it royally; he freaks out during that attempt and gets noticed by walkers, who pile on him. Jessie refuses to let go of his hand and soon the walkers begin to realized that she's fresh meat too. But she also continues to hold onto Carl's hand and refuses to let go of him; her hand is then chopped off by Rick and she is buried under a writhing horde of walkers.

    ¹ this is exactly why they need to have internal secondary walls; they put their entire faith into one big outer wall, and it ultimately failed them.
    ²when one covers him or herself with guts from the dead to mask their living smell, thus hiding a persons' presence even amongst the walkers, thereby allowing the living to stealthily maneuver through a pack of walker and prevent the walkers from detecting the living. However, one must remain deathly quiet and not move too quickly lest the walkers be alerted and attack.


    How much the TV series adheres to the print version is debatable but Kirkman has already hinted that the Alexandria segment is going to be pretty true to the original. But there are a few caveats. After Jessie dies, Rick is supposed to be in a relationship with Andrea but as everyone knows, in the TV series, she's already dead. Instead Sasha seems to be groomed for her sniper role, while Michione has been attempting to mother Carl all along. Maybe Michione and Rick may wind up sharing sleeping bags eventually. Another thing, Glenn eventually gets his head bashed in by Negan, but that doesn't have to happen. It could be one of the other non "essential" characters. However, Kirkman has made no bones about it, that disposing of regulars is what makes this story so compelling. I find it interesting too, that Carol is showing a real soft side to Alexandria when in reality, she is probably one of the toughest in terms of unflinching nerve when it comes to the need for violence. She would kill a little girl and others within her own group if their overall survival depends on it, something that she didn't seem to want to reveal. In essence, to Alexandria right now, she's a soccer mom. Her story line however, isn't continued beyond the prison in the print series (as comic book Carol commits suicide by walker upon discovering Tyreese was cheating on her with Michione). In fact, her daughter, Sophia, killed off at the end of season 2, remains very much alive in the comic version to date (issue 131). Daryl too, is an aberration as he doesn't even appear in print. So not everything is cast in stone. I'm hoping that as the only Asian and with the growing fan base that that brings internationally, Kirkman may decide to keep Glenn and kill off someone else (Noah?) instead with the old head bash? Market reality meets television creativity, and generally market realities win out. I'm hoping this is the case here. Speaking of which, Noah is also a non print character introduced into the Beth Greene story line. Perhaps he was purposely included to take the hit for Glenn? Time will tell, but interesting things are going to happen here.
    #32 ralphrepo, Mar 2, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2015
  13. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    I would hate to see Jessie in that state.....
  14. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    ...that in the comics, he's hooked up with Andrea, who is still alive. So the storyline, while having seminal life and death events, aren't always in perfect synchrony across both print and televised media. Maybe they may just kill off her son but keep Jessie alive?
  15. just rememebr the comic is not always the same as tv
  16. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    True that... but in the comics?

    (in issue 137) just got laid, LOL...

    Ep 5-13; Do you want a cookie? LOL... Man, Carol is scary!
    #36 ralphrepo, Mar 6, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2015
  17. burpyierz

    burpyierz Well-Known Member

    yea the scenarist forgot the black priest so now it's only one black dude
  18. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    Carol is indeed crazy; all about killing people now. Pete possibly is beating up Jessie and Sam. Rick has to kill Pete.
  19. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    I like rick more and more. That's right rick, do your thing.