Walking Dead Season 5

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by ralphrepo, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    In the print series...

    ...Carol died in the prison (suicide by walker after she discovered Tyreese was cheating on her with Michione), so she's literally a extra character insofar as the TV series is concerned. In the comic, Pete is indeed beating up Jessie and Sam and in an altercation, Pete winds up accidentally killing Alexandria's leader's wife; the leader there then tells Rick to kill him. Interestingly, as soon as Rick does kill him, Rick sleeps with Jessie.

    As for poor Noah, I never expected him to get it so quickly. They were just starting to develop his character, what with talking about being taught how to maintain the wall and all. Also, the way that Adrian gets it is lame. He could have just as easily allowed the walker to approach as it couldn't bite him with a face shield on; he then could have simply stuck his rifle barrel under the shield and shot the walker. On the other hand, it was a satisfyingly nice way (grenade explosion) for this pompous asshole to get his. It seems that the whole of Alexandria is filled with cowards.

    Gabriel? He just needs to die.
  2. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    Lack of real life experiences; panics and does the wrong thing.
    I won't miss him either. Funny how it's always the loudest and act like the know-it-all knows the least? lol
  3. burpyierz

    burpyierz Well-Known Member

    The scripter is kinda stupid. In real life, why would you send a boy with a problem in his leg ? You know for sure he will not run as fast as a 100% healthy guy. The leader of the city is freaking smart.

    Secondly, a man is beating his family, so we have to kill him right away ? Kinda extreme. As they say, people is the most valuable asset in their world, why reduce the number so quickly ? Just to be able to bang his wife right away ? But he is the "surgeon", most valuable person in zombie world.

    Thirdly, I never understand how a fully protected police officer can get infected ? Remember our korean guy who rushed in hordes of zombies with police protection and came out alive ?

    Also, the script is getting poorly writed, the tempo and the story is rushing, feels like it's gonna be season finals already so he gotta kill his characters fast. He didn't even develop the boy stoyline and killed him right away with the book writing "this is the begining". The story could have been more sad, more disturbing if he developped more the character and get him killed. Now I'm disturbed that the scripter poorly wrote his death.
    You got a rifle but no ammo, you can still use the rifle as a stick or spike in their head

    Scripter should have let the other dude die too, so when they get back to the city, the leader will not trust them anymore since her son is dead and no one can prove what they are saying. More climax, more tension between the city and rick's group.
    #43 burpyierz, Mar 17, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
  4. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    A Surgeon may be a very valuable person in the real world, but in a post apocalyptic scenario, that surgeon would be about as valuable as a theoretical astrophysicist. That is, unless you have a space ship that can travel to the next galaxy, your knowledge is just theory. Modern surgery requires a tremendous support team, without which a surgeon is just a plain country doctor. Without IV antibiotics, CT scans, extensive lab results, EKGs and XRs; that surgeon is no more effective than a smart first aider.

    ...in this case, one who is a wife beater.
  5. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    I would love to sleep with jessie...
  6. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    Don't forget Morgan .. he's still running around, right? Did anything happened to him and I missed it?


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  7. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    it's only fair if there's one black dude... there's one asian.....we aint complaining...lol
  8. kinda messed up Ricks group is actually trying to help, but they're just f'in ish up lol. Can't wait for season 6.
  9. burpyierz

    burpyierz Well-Known Member

    RICK DO IT !
  10. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    after waiting 20 years for this season, now we gonna have to wait another 20 years till the next season...