rub honey in the affect area and drink 2 glasses of water... -lol umm how's about one of my all time fav. games to rep the game section??
omg..that game duck hunt..i used to b so cheap..go up to the tv and shoot the ducks lol..i was a kid bak times
yup that ish is classic... matter of fact i was playing the flash version just a min ago. Just the soundfx man... -lol. Hopin' to get that universal lightgun and start brining back some good ol memories...
i think i still had the gun in my closet. ahh.. i forgot, it was broken. lol but it's still in my closet though. i used to do that too, just stand in front of my tv and just shoot the 'lil duckies. i kind of missed that nintendo game.. <<
lol u cheater..i was young tho..its ok for me to cheatt...since its summer..i think i should find my nintendo and play the game...funn
not to mention, i was young back then also. it was like around 10 yrs. ago. so... it's okay for me to cheat also. lol
Okay, so I found some random pictures that might be of some use: Rant? Fanfix? (just thought it was cute -^_^) Movies? Non-Asian Ent.? Arcade/Games Chat? Anime & Manga? Health, Beauty and Fashion! (might be too girly -lol)
def like that last pic with the ladies and using the gun close to the screen aint cheatin..if u gona cheat..atleast cheat like a man...two man...take that as cheating bitches!...