hahaha they are all totally awesome!! Love how they are all different. Thats what makes them unique. =)
Awwwww.. The Red Panda and The Alpaca ARE SOOOOOOO ADORABLE I WANT AN ALPACA SO I CAN FEED IT ICE CREAM CONES WITHOUT THE ICE CREAM!! Lol.. Yeah the pictures were cute..
The Red Panda is cuuute! Yeah, some of them are damn ugly. And the dumbo octopus doesn't seem... real. It's so cartoon like.
LOL id love to tag them pictures on the members of PA ... would be more fun but yet (sadly) offensive xD
if i ran into half those animals in RL outside of a zoo environment i would prolly die the lump fish is nightmare material.
The Bloplfish and the lumpfish are tooo ugly... Haha.i thought it was an explosion on the second pic of the Komondor dog