I know what you mean. All my friends do the same thing. But would you date a white girl? I wouldn't mind
It's linked to power and colonialism. Western men (read: WHITE) enjoy Asian women because the power over a country's women has been linked in history to having power over that country because a woman is representative as the land and child-bearer of its people. Look at miscegenation laws in the U.S. and how men of color were forbidden to marry white women. They had these laws because they want to keep their women and children "pure," while the same white men would go and "conquer" women of color to show their power over other people. A fact that I learned from class: American soldiers during the Vietnam War were called "double veterans" when they 1) raped a Vietnamese women and then 2) killed them.
in australia i find that asian guys can have higher standards in girls meaning theres alot of below average asian girls that can't find a asian bf. so then they find a white bf. it seems white guys sumtimes have lower standards compared to asian guys. my wife has alot of not so good looking asian friends and majority of them date white guys lol. there are many asian girl with white guy couples. with the why white girls don't seem to go out with asian guys i think asian guys arent as masculine generally and also white women don't seem to adapt well to cultural change lol.
Caucasians are stealing our good looking girls, while not many Asians guys are getting white chicks. We need to fight back in order to save some for ourselves. We need to come up with a plan...
I feel the same way man.. i guess alot of us do haha. I can be friends with white girls, but I prefer asian girls for a relationship. LETS UNITE! lol
not this type of thread again. Chinese girls want to be " in " with the crowd so they stick to a white guy no matter how ugly. it is a way for them to " fit" in to the society.