What Age Do You Think People Should Be in A Relationship?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by EvaxTvxQ, Jul 13, 2006.

  1. _Nightwish_

    _Nightwish_ Well-Known Member

    haha agree...here is the same..on the bus there are 10-12 ears old girls talking abot how many boys the have dated and other guys how they look etc. It´s just redcilous.
  2. babyyjuju

    babyyjuju Well-Known Member

    well i started dating when i was in 7th grade. i think i was.. uhmm 13? or somethings and i think relationships were good and stuff. but as i got older. i made a big mistake. i think people really should start at like high school? cause whatever they doing nows. are obviously wrong. people are already having sex, tryna think they cool.
  3. aishiteru4

    aishiteru4 Well-Known Member

    whne u r ready... i mean when u know really know the meaning of a realtionship n not just go out with someone for the sake of "fun fun"
    lol... i started to date when i was like 13 ish..
  4. if a relationship isn't supposed to be fun... then what good is it for?
  5. aishiteru4

    aishiteru4 Well-Known Member

    it is suppose to be fun... but i mean u dont get into a relationship just for fun.. as in not being serious u long long...
    u know.. peer pressure?? u dig?
  6. relationships r not suppose to b fun... it's the process of finding a person that so called "loves you" n one day he/she will swear in front of a bald priest and sign a paper that says he/she will not leave u even when ur old n ugly... :)

    but of coz some ppl don't take that seriously n decides to give the lawyer lots of $$ so they can rip up that paper n forget what they said to the priest... :(
  7. you did not jus say ya dig to me... and just what the hell do you mean? so you gotta be serious you love them.. and you just cant have fun loving them??
  8. ipepsi

    ipepsi Well-Known Member

    There is no age, its all about the experience you get =D.
  9. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    isn't dating the process of finding out if someone is 'right' for you? you cant really see someone for the first time and go OKAY IM GOING TO LOVE YOU NOW DATE ME. or w/e.

    but i stick with what i said before... 18 seems to be the right age to be getting into a relationship. dating at age 13 is just......... you don't even feel comfortable talking about how you feel yet!
  10. ipepsi

    ipepsi Well-Known Member

    if u start young you will know what you are looking for when you older, you are able to spot a jerk from a mile away. There are goods and bad to it, it just depends on your maturity.
  11. zcorpio

    zcorpio Well-Known Member

    This can be divided into two categories no? In that relationships can be fun or serious or both but the latter definitely takes account of maturity and the age of the people. I think for experimental fun relationships a person can probably start it in their "teens" but something that would lead into marriage something in the "twenties" may be wise :D
  12. you gotta start datin young so you can......

    Change clothes...
    and go....
    You know I stay fresh to death, boy from the projects
    And Imma take you to the top of the globe so let's go -cool2
  13. GarryKasparov

    GarryKasparov Well-Known Member

    What age ?

    As early as possible.

    Accumulate more experience !

    Avoid mistakes !!

    Age with wisdom !!!
  14. aishiteru4

    aishiteru4 Well-Known Member

    well i mean... u gotta be serious that u love that person... there is fun involved... but i think u know wot the "fun" i had in mind... some people think falling in love is just for "fun"...like its just a game... u start a game.. then after some fun.... u decide "oh... i think its boring now...no more fun"
    a relationship is not bout having fun.. its bout commitment that comes with fun..(responsibilities too)
  15. that sounds more lika a marriage to me -what?
  16. rickoon

    rickoon Well-Known Member

    as long as your are ready to be in the relationship. I think that if you are mature enough go for it.
  17. sugar__high

    sugar__high Member

    haha nowadays everyone's doing things younger and younger..
    swearing, dating etc..

    i think it'd be nice if you're so young and can handle a relationship
    but i think in reality most of us can't :T
  18. lotsofmsg

    lotsofmsg Well-Known Member

    Dating in HS and dating after your 18 is like two differetn scaarios...
    when your older age just goes more into a blur... then when u are under 18
  19. mingming2006

    mingming2006 Well-Known Member

    Date when @ college - b more mature n b able to understand relationships...though ive never dated a girl in my life lol
  20. Marrow

    Marrow Active Member

    I believe relationships should mainly occur during one's LATE high school years, as both the individuals are mature enough to understand each other. With most cases, people who start dating early in their lives tend to not be serious about their relationships. But of course, that does not apply to everyone.

    I agree with what mingming said. If you have a girl- or boyfriend during your high school years, come time for both of you to depart to college, there might be an instance where both of you would not get into the same school. This is where individual TRUST plays along. If you trust him or her enough to not have them cheat on you, AND, if you yourself stay true to the current relationship, I believe that is what we call as real love.

    Things change in college, you meet new people, make new acquaintances, and get all stressed over college and occupational work. There might not even BE enough time to hang out with your girl- or boyfriend.

    Nonetheless, I believe that having someone close in high school is not necessarily harmful. Gets you used to the bitterness and joys of relationships.