^ it is....but the middle...was like yellowey color..i thought was beer with foam in a bb bottle or something teem..-sweat
my fav drink is water since the majority of ur body consists of water and from the fact that water does not cause detrimental harm to ur body.
im like a kid yo, i like smoothies (jamba juice if they have it in ur area ) as long as it's healthy i'll drink it (even if it has a little extra clorie cuz of ice cream) lolol =P, other then that, i like water, typical juices, tea, tapioca peral drinks, hmm yeah that's bout it.. i'll drink "naked" drinks everyday, but they cost 3.25 or 3.75 per bottle :((
The BEST beer i drank from experience is wailua wheat- its the beer i recommend to everyone. Strong mix would be long island Mild mix would be amaretto sour Hard- jim bean green tea and water