^ yep i agree... plus i think driving a manual car gives you more of a formula 1 feeling hee hee but that could be just me hee hee
I think its cause in europe you have more bendy and hilly roads, therefore more need for manual (more control too), but in US (correct me if im wrong) mostly straightish roads, plus people in the US too lazy to learn manual
^ i dunno about the roads i think its more to do with laziness ha ha... ive noticed it in TVB programmes plus going to HK that people in HK drive automatics too
My cars have been 50/50 auto & manual. Most of my friends drive manuals. But as people get older ... married, than comes the station wagons and minivans in automatic. Automatics are so advanced now, there is really no more benefits for driving a manual.
Yeh most people in HK learn to drive auto And yeh cause of the advancements of gearboxes the only real advantage to manaul gearbox is its much cheaper. But in terms of performance a manual gearbox is much better than an auto.
woot woot manual!! my dad drives an automatic (old age) and the gear box broke down man it costed soo much to fix i couldnt believe it soo definately not an automatic hee hee i know someone in uk who passed his test in an automatic...... so i rip it out of him everytime i see him kinda mean but funny
^ lol yeh if you take your test in an auto in the UK you deserve to be ripped at everytime -lol Yeh my dad wants a new car and an auto so he doesnt have to do so much work
how is an automatic werid? all you gotta do is set it to drive and forget it. actually IMO, automatic is pretty much the "noob" transmissioin since theres pretty no skill needed in terms of gears.
lol yeh you dont really need any skill to drive auto, but then again it means you can concentrate more on the road, than worry about what gear your in and stalling the engine. I think it would be weird for me to drive an auto, ill be like wheres the clutch and move my hand to the gear stick not realising i dont need to change gears
^ yeh a good point about concentrating more on the road but still your right leg has nothing to do and its too weird i think have you ever experienced that thing...... when you were learning to drive...... of reaching for the gear stick and 'accidently' grab your instructors leg??? i bet you must have tong tong hee hee
hahaha, I am on my fourth car (86 accord, 94 civic, 99 accord coupe 05 g35 , and all I've ever driven is automatic. It's weird to drive manual for me, I have to move my leg and stuff =P everyone is telling me that i am wasting my g35 cuz i dun drive stick, but i still leave them in the dust
People in the UK drive manual because 1) Saves gas (Gas is priced cheaper here) 2) An automatic is a $1000 option